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Design And Implementation Of De Hong Branch Of Broadband Telecommunications Network Equipment Management System

Posted on:2015-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473455673Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1990 s, the world’s information technology has become technological development, economic activity and social progress symbol. In the information economy has become the contemporary world economic growth momentum and at the same time, how to use information technology as well as the sharing of resources and gradually become a national key into the new century. Switches and routers as indispensable information transmission carrier, physical or geographical timely maintenance are required to ensure the transmission of information effective, safe, and reliable. In this context, a growing number of network administrators began to focus on online management of network equipment and maintenance, and found many problems to be solved.For this article better management of equipment, as well as more fully make good use of this vital resource network equipment in the economic and social development process of an increasingly prominent role, for equipment management and maintenance of some of the problems encountered in the work, and better network play this vital resource irreplaceable role in the development of the state and society to provide better services, are the subject of this thesis project as well as the fundamental starting point.This paper describes the design of broadband NMS ideas, the overall design, as well as the system to be achieved each subsystem specific functions. Then described in detail based on needs analysis designed system configuration management, performance management, fault management, and other subsystems and data acquisition, WBM and other functional modules specific method. Finally, in conclusion, testing and practical application in the broadband network management system when some of the problems were solved, presents some shortcomings of the system and improve the method, the paper carried out a summary of the whole chapter, network management personnel can be clearly query, configure, manage, and various statistical parameters of the managed network devices and statistical reports, to detect the presence of hidden network failures and quickly solve network problems, greatly improving the efficiency of the network management staff, reducing routine maintenance and management of the workload and improve the quality of network maintenance.
Keywords/Search Tags:network platform, networking equipment, online management system
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