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Design And Implementation Of Teaching Management System Based On Android

Posted on:2016-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330470973106Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the change of teaching mode in Colleges and universities, and primary and secondary schools: between the teachers and the students were not familiar with the exchange, time is limited. Class forty-five minutes to complete the teaching plan is compact, if the artificial to attendance, classroom assignments will affect the normal teaching schedule and teaching quality, reduce the efficiency of teaching, the students’ learning progress delay.In order to solve this problem, this paper design and implement a self-help attendance attendance software based on mobile terminal. Through the software client and server communication, to save time and effort to complete the attendance.Technology development level: the Android mobile phone platform based on the majority of users, the most widely used at present the most popular MyEclipse IDE project development. Project development module is divided into: client and server development. The development of the client will eventually be mounted to the Android mobile phone test; the development of the server will use the local computer hardware resources to set up a server environment test. Database using the most popular open source MySQL. Communication program and database using highly encapsulated JDBC technology rapid development. The project development process, using the block test, step by step debugging strategy, avoid difficult to find bug, in order to reduce the burden of testing, speed up the progress of development projects, the project according to the scheduled deadline to prepare. After the completion of the project development, unified allocation of resources required, the overall performance test of the project, to find and modify the bug, in order to achieve the project objectives and requirements, timely completion of development tasks. In order to avoid students forged attendance record, according to the system of local area network coverage principle and positioning technology for attendance, effectively avoid the false registration act, the successful implementation of attendance test.Design level: in this paper, with the highest authority of the administrator, has the high authority of teachers’ role and permission only common types of students. Planning the login module, registration module, message module, display module, the user management module and statistical analysis module, can basically meet the daily teaching management efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Android Mobile, Attendance Management System, MySQL, MyEclipse
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