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The Position Of Suara Merdeka Daily Newspaper In Election Of Central Java Governor In Mei 2013

Posted on:2016-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:AGUS FATHUDDIN YUSUF A G SFull Text:PDF
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Community of Central Java province, Indonesia, on Sunday, May 26,2013 has been carrying out elections for governors (Pilgub). Couple Ganjar Pranowo-Heru Sudjatmoko promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) was elected Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Java period 2013-2018. There are three pairs of candidates for governor and lieutenant governor were competing in this election, namely Bibit Waluyo/Sudijono promoted by the Democratic Party, the Golkar Party and the National Mandate Party (PAN); Ganjar Pranowo/Heru Sudjatmoko promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P); and Hadi Prabowo/Don Murdono carried by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Gerindra Party, the United Development Parry (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB), People’s Conscience Party (Hanura) and the Ulama National Awakening Party (PKNU). Following the decision of the General Elections Commission (KPU) in Central Java, June 4,2013, Ganjar-Heru voice support for 6,962,417(48.82%) is expressed as the Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Java period 2013-2018.According to Researchers from Saiful Mujani Research & Consulting (SMRC) Deni Irfani, blow up the mass media is an important factor pairs victory Ganjar Pranowo-Heru these Sudjatmoko. "Because one candidate was chosen because he was known to the voters, it is well to support the important role of the mass media" Deni said Saiful Mujani Irfani Researchers from Research & Consulting (SMRC) (Suara Merdeka issue of May 27,2013).Each candidate is much more exposed by the media with positive news directly proportional to victory Ganjar-Heru. According to him, even while away the day before the election, there is an imbalance of the popularity of each candidate, however Ganjar has utilized well the last two weeks。It was also evident from the results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian Indicator recently released figures which are most widely reported in the newspapers is news Ganjar Pranowo with 472, followed by 418 News Hadi Prabowo and Bibit Waluyo got 179 news. In addition, the party has also become an important factor in the victory Ganjar, because the solidity of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) far exceeds other parties。Central Java Governor elections, at least three months earlier, in March, April and May 2013, nearly every newspaper in Indonesia, especially Suara Merdeka load Pilgub massive news. As if they compete to present the best and most complete information to satisfy the reader.No exception Suara Merdeka, the largest newspaper in Central Java gubernatorial elections provide news portion is greater than the other news. In addition to placing the title Headline (HL) on the first page, complete with graphics also contains numeric data, analysis, articles, photos and so on. In the pattern of presentation of news in Central Java gubernatorial election, not a few papers that made him a part of a successful team winning one of the candidates for governor and vice governor particular. Being a partisan newspaper. Packaging through titles, installation photos and the selection of news sources that have been directed in ways that a particular candidate to win. But not a few newspapers that still maintain journalistic ideals theory position as the mass media as a "referee" is a neutral, independent and impartial one candidate.In this regard, where the position of Suara Merdeka? Is becoming a partisan newspaper supporting one of the candidates for governor and vice governor or into newspapers-stick with Their idealism wluch-keeps the same distance to all the candidates for governor.In political news, the media acts as a transmitter political messages from outside himself, as well as a political message to the audience of journalists (Hamad,2004: 1).Therefore, various studies and criticism of media coverage becomes important to demonstrate an alternative reading of the mass media so that the public can watch the news-media coverage is active and intelligent (Eriyanto,2002:7). Society literacy (literate society) will be able to perform the selection, and critical reading of the information in the mass media better so as to apply in determining the social and political attitudes wise (Sudibyo,2001:7). Coverage of ethical political events will be the source of political articulation for the community, so that people can participate in the political process to the fullest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Election of Central Java Governor, Suara Merdeka Daily Newspaper, The position
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