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Research On Pingdingshan Evening News Community Edition

Posted on:2016-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the accelerated pace of urbanization, the emerging communities being featured with differentiation and integration have already become a basic unit of our city organization structure and the increasing residents have thus been in need of more public information than ever. In the past, some "trifles" news which close to the residents life is neglected, and now gradually gain more and more attention by the journalists. In recent years, many city evening news have established the Community Edition, showing a booming trend. Social factors provide growing soil for the development of community edition. In addition, with the innovation and progress of science and technology, dissemination of information faster, the homogenization tendency of media reports intensified, it’s more and more difficult to discover exclusive news. However, no matter how environment change, the paper media wants to remain invincible in the fierce competition, must adhere to the truth that the content is king, broadening their powerful content. In the news content "minority" trend, information is more and more rich, and media actively seek a new breakthrough point. so, the emerge of community residents and their increasing information demand, which began to attract attention of media practitioners. However, the development of Community Edition has both opportunities also variety of challenges. Seize the opportunity, overcome the challenges become a issues which the Community Edition development urgently need to consider.In 2010, "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition formally founded. In 2014, "Pingdingshan Evening News" community edition revised, founded "Eagle City Community" weekly. In 4 years, the lens and eyes of "Pingdingshan Evening News" always focus community with its own unique reporting perspective, and focus problems to be solved which residents are most concerned about, and actively serve the residents, for the residents to exclude the difficulty and anxiety, eliminate doubt and confusion. At the same time, "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition pay attention to the community construction and management, and build a bridge of communication between the community managers and residents, and continue to expand the area of services, Innovative service mode.In order to satisfy the information needs of residents, "Pingdingshan Evening News" community edition focus on the diversification of information dissemination in four years: reports good things happened in the community, inspiring story of struggle, mutual love stories of the neighborhood, touching true feelings, spreading positive energy and building a harmonious community atmosphere; and at the macro-level higher vision, find the intersection of community and major policy news and hot news, concerns echo from community; disclosure, criticism and debate some things and phenomena happened in the community, monitoring and supervising management and construction of community; focus on helping news, reporters become "runners" by coverage, helping them solve problems; use wide variety of ways, strengthen the interaction, communication and exchanges with readers, establishing a good image and reputation of the media, increasing media influence among the population.This paper focuses on the analysis of content and characteristics and the problem of the "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition. First of all, the use of sociology, management science, journalism and communication of knowledge, analyzes the social background and necessity of Community Edition, this part focuses on: compared to the traditional community, characteristics of the new type of community, obtains the conclusion that the new community is a new trend of community development in our country. Secondly, this paper analyzes report genre and humanistic feelings and rational report contents and characteristics of the "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition, focuses on the analysis of features of the "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition : the use of rich and diverse of layout element and setting the characteristic column, special report topics planning and event planning, which is worth of other media reference, is worthy of careful study. Finally, this paper summarizes the problem of the "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition in development process, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions, positive thinking experience and problems and strategies of the "Pingdingshan Evening News" Community Edition on the road of the development of media integration, so "peep one spot and see everything", exploring municipal Evening News Community Edition how to use new media for better development in the media integration environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Journals, Community Edition, Report Styles
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