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Integrated Management System Development Of Large Hospitals

Posted on:2016-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467973334Subject:Signal and Information Processing
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hospital integrated management system is a necessary technical support for the modernhospital operations. The purpose of achieving the hospital management system is to strengthenthe hospital’s management in more modern, scientific and standardized means, to enhance thehospital efficiency and to improve the quality of medical care. Thus a new image of a modernhospital will be established, which is the inevitable direction of future development of thehospital. The traditional hospital integrated management system just showed hospitalinformation and managed the information platform, but it was far from meeting the needs ofsociety. With the development of society and the popularity of the network, more and morepeople are hoping to know the information they care through the network, such as personaltreatment information. Meanwhile, hospital managers also need to conduct a more intelligentmanagement for the hospital.In this system, a large hospital with an integrated management system has been builtfocusing on the problems above. Not only the basic information maintenance within thehospital and the hospital information display were provided, but also a query of hospital dailyoperations, emergency vehicle real-time monitoring and patient medical information inquirieswere included. These features made the entire hospital system be better managed.In this paper, how to design a full-featured and easy-hospital integrated managementsystem was further explored and researched, mainly including the following aspects:1. First of all, a survey of hospital integrated management system was carried out at homeand abroad, and then analysis and summary was done on the trend of the future development ofinformation technology in hospitals and the use of related technologies in the system design.2. Secondly, to be able to query to valid information in massive data of hospital databasesquickly and accurately, in-depth research about semantic caching methods was conducted inthis paper for the system functions as well as the characteristics of the hospital database.Combined with data prefetching,"a query optimization algorithm based on semanticinformation buffer-storing and choosing to prefetch" was proposed, and its principles were elaborated in this paper.3. Last, after a lot of demand research and study, a detailed functional division and designwas conducted according to the system requirement documents. It was designed andimplemented according to the steps of the sub-module of the system from top to bottom. Thissystem has been designed and is now in the commissioning stage.Under the environment of modern hospital building system, existing hospital medicalresources will be better integrated, overall advantage of the hospital will be better played,comprehensive protection will be provided for the development and construction of thehospital’s information technology, greater economic and social benefits of the hospital will bebetter created and patients and the society will be better served through the operation of existingmedical resources of this system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information Management System, Information Display, Optimization Algorithm, Informatization
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