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Design And Implementation Of Personnel Management System

Posted on:2016-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467479091Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Project in this paper is an internal project the author participated in internship company, the project is to replace the old personnel management system of company. The old system was developed by C language a few years ago. Due to the time has passed and personnel change in company, the code of the old system has been lost. Even though the old system is still running, it’s completely not maintainable and upgradable. Besides the old system has few functions, many job still need to be done offline. Therefore the development of a new system has been brought on the agenda.The author has finished the fllowing work throughout the project. In the demand analysis stage, the author has made reference to the old personnel management system of company, and has communicated with the project leader, to determine the requirements of the whole project. According to the result of demand analysis, the author has comfirmed the technical architecture of the project, finished the preliminary design, devided the modules of system, finished detail design of each module, extracted74classes from the system, and finished the design of31database tables. After that, the author has developed the system as designed using MyEclipse, and has built the database with MySQL. The function test has been made manully after the development, and the outcoming was good. I did most job in the project except demand analysis and interface development all by myself, including the system design and final implementation.With the new system put to use, the instability problem of the old system has been resolved. And because of the new functions that has been added, such as management of project, making statistics of attendance by connecting to the entry access system.The system has made a obvious improvement on the assitance of daily work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personnel Management System, SSH framework, MySQL, Java, Tomcat
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