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The Research On Palm Media Entertainment On The Platform Of New Media

Posted on:2016-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C WangFull Text:PDF
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Talking about the concepts of "palm media" and "new media", a lot of non-industry people are relatively unfamiliar, but when it comes to the concept of "phone", there is no wonder that it is known to everybody. The phone is quietly changing people’s daily life in all aspects, bringing convenience to mobile phone users and at the same time leading to problems of psychology, lifestyle and other issues. What is the most vital is that the mobile phone has become "the fifth media"after newspaper, radio, television and the Internet, existing in the form of the integration and the development of the first four generations and gradually penetrating into people’s lives.In the time of "entertainment to death", media is changing towards the direction of national amusement, and palm media is no exception. Existing as the development and complement of the traditional way of entertainment, palm media entertainment is popular in cell phone users, which are mainly composed of young people. The development of information technology and the hardware support make the content of the palm media entertainment more various. Mobile games, as one of the most important forms of the palm media entertainment, is well worth deep analysis. This analysis will play a vital role in the prediction of the development direction of palm media entertainment. From the little games such as "Push the Box", "Greedy Snakes" in the beginning to the later JAVA games such as "Crazy Car", "Rainbow Bubbles" to the smart mobile games which have high quality in game plots and music accompaniment such as "Plants VS Zombies","Cut the Rope", the development history of mobile games is not long, but in terms of content and form, it has undergone a huge change. Mainly relying on the industry of 3G and 4G, mobile games nowadays has been provided with high playability and interactivity.There is a large amount of the research achievements of the palm media entertainment and mobile games, but most of them have been limited to time. Today it seems that a lot of data, definitions and views have been out of date, while there is a small number of systematic comparative studies that combine the concepts of game and palm media. The author believes that the new media era has fully arrived, palm media will increasingly reveal its strength. As a result, it is very significant for us to do research on palm media entertainment to push the development the whole media industry. This paper will take the example of mobile games, which are very familiar to the general public, trying to find out the differences of traditional entertainment and palm media entertainment, the features of palm media entertainment and what palm media entertainment brings to us.Games, as an important part of social life, has been existing since ancient times, but the situation now has changed a lot. Mobile games has a great tendency to replace social life and becomes the main content of the mobile game players’ lives. Faced with this situation, although I would like to take an objective stroke to analyze this situation, after serious thought I still feel very sad. As the words "lonely", "cold" have gradually become the keywords of people’s social life, in the study of the status and development trend of mobile phone games based on palm media entertainment, I also hope that people could find a balance between mobile games and real life.
Keywords/Search Tags:palm media, entertainment, mobile games
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