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The Research Framework Of Liaoshen Evening News’ Food Safety

Posted on:2016-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the improvement of people’s living standard, food is necessary for human survival. More and more people began to concern the issue of food safety. People get information from more and more diversified ways. Traditional media must be improved. There is a close relationship between the development of food safety and the economy of our country. If the food safety has problems, it does not only affect the problem of the enterprise,but also the whole of industry. "Liaoshen Evening News" is the regional newspaper. It is the represent of traditional media. It should make regional brand, improve the news’ frame. In the framework of theory perspective, using the literature method, content analysis method and case analysis method to study the "Liaoshen Evening News", the main is divided into two aspects: one is the news frame characteristics and the problems of sources orientation; the second is, as a local newspaper, "Liaoshen Evening News" must put forward the improvement, improve the food safety supervision, creat the brand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food Safety News, Liaoshen Evening News, frame theory, regional newspapers
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