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Design And Implementation Of A Cotton Quality Supervision And Management System

Posted on:2015-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X QuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330452956867Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society and the advancement of technology, thenetwork-based information of applications in various industries has become more mature.Advanced information management systems have become an important foundation forenterprises to improve efficiency and achieve maximum economic efficiency. In the cottonindustry, Fiber Inspection Bureau also uses traditional business process monitoring andmanagement. It can not meet the needs of today’s business. Management arising from theaging of the low work efficiency, data management has begun to lag and other issuesaffecting all aspects of cotton business. With Fiber Inspection Bureau rapid expansion of thescale and expanding business areas, how to effectively use resources to achieve modernmanagement to improve oversight and management of Fiber Inspection Bureau and thecomprehensive competitiveness has become an important issue.The Cotton Quality Supervision and Management System mainly based on the actualsituation of Fiber Inspection Bureau in Hubei Province and the actual needs of differentusers. A Web-based technology to monitor and manage the site for the Bureau ofoperational activities within the system established to achieve internal informationtechnology Fiber Inspection Bureau. In the course of the system design andimplementation, we use ASP. NET, ASP. NET MVC and Oracle database technology.The system uses Web technologies, mainly in order to achieve information managementoversight and an Internet-based.After the system has been fully tested and put into use, has basically solved the aboveproblems can be achieved Fiber Inspection Bureau faces demands. Within theorganization through LAN resources to achieve institutional computer networkmanagement. Meanwhile, the powerful query statistics provided by the system, to achievefast query the details of corporate censorship, the sample flow conditions and test resultsinformation. In addition, while meeting the organization’s daily operations andmanagement of information processing requirements need also to achieve informationsharing between departments, the overall level of management and efficiency FiberInspection Bureau have been greatly improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiber inspection, Information, MVC pattern, Data management
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