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The Design And Implementation Of File Management System Of Higher Vocational College Teacher

Posted on:2016-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330470450038Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computer technology is now playing an increasingly important role in the fieldof management. In recent years, colleges and universities to develop internal andexternal environment demand for information is the rapid growth of the collection,transmission, processing, storage, and analysis of large amounts of data becomeextremely complex and onerous task. Among them,teachers file management is animportant part of the school management, Because this work involves a wide rangeof importance, a lot of transactions, the complexity is very large, so it is very suitablefor using computer to manage.The construction of the information management of theteachers’ archives management information system is an important problem that thehigher vocational college archives management departments need to solve.Large amount of information, content and more difficult to manage high, theseare difficult problems in vocational colleges during teacher records management staffhave faced. Moreover, most of the files are in paper form, and therefore when tomanage and classify proofreading content of these files, you need a lot of manpowerand time to provide support, less efficient. Compared network management isconcerned, we can improve the management efficiency in large part, to reduceunnecessary time and labor consuming.In most vocational colleges, archives and more is present in the form of paper,paper files stored in either space or in the classification of management, there is a bigwaste of resources tendencies. Moreover, since most of the institutions for thearchives of network management has not been universal, this phenomenon isespecially wasteful. Therefore, to establish a sound and orderly electronic informationnetwork file management system, relying on modern information technology toimprove the level of management.The subject combined with the actual needs of the university personnel filemanagement, in accordance with the method of software engineering and projectmanagement of the system development process to build the file management information system for university teachers and design, the status of university recordsmanagement, analysis of requirements and capabilities of the file management system,provides details on user roles, and operating authority; on the basis of needs analysissystem, described the data flow diagram of the system functions on the ER diagrammodel of the relationship between system entities; the system module division, thedetailed analysis and design of the user management, teachers, informationmanagement, discipline management, research and information management,statistical management of these five modules; discusses in detail the functions andprogram flow of these modules. Implementation of the system, and select test cases ofthe system.The actual situation of the school, the teachers of the design and development ofthis project file management information system, fully consider the complex needs ofthe schools in the internal management, resource sharing, information exchange andapplied to the file management of school teachers, their useful features and apowerful permissions system to effectively solve the various problems in the practicalwork, and promote the process of informatization of school records managementwork.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archives management, resource sharing, information technology
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