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Design And Implementation Of Enterprise Online Training System

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467995624Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid economic development since the reform and opening up, and thecoming of the era of knowledge economy, the competition among enterprises isbecoming more and more evolved into the talent competition. It is needless to say theimportance of talents for enterprises. Therefore, in addition to external recruitmentchannels, it is important to cultivate enterprises internal staffs, improve their personalskills and excavate inside potentiality. In order to improve the comprehensive quality andcompetence of enterprises internal employees, establishing an enterprise staff trainingsystem, which is suitable for their own characteristics with operation stability and richcontent, cannot be taken for granted. With this system, enterprises can improve theefficiency of employee trainings by the whole control and management of the trainingprocess, mastering each person’s training results. It also saves the human resources cost,which also contribute to the efficiency of enterprise training.At present, most enterprises still use the traditional way of trainings. Defects in thisway are obvious, a series of preparatory work in advance will need a person to coordinatethe training management, face-to-face training management is difficult. Human cost,capital cost and time cost are also higher. Especially for the enterprises with many newemployees, the traditional master-apprentice mode, which seems to be simple andfeasible, but is likely random, not systemic, and lack of rationality analysis andeffectiveness of the inspection. As a result, the new employee training mode cannot playits due role and adapt to the huge demand for training requirements. Enterprises’introduction of online training platforms, can realize the automation management forstaff training work. This system can make a comprehensive evaluation of employeetraining work, provide real-time tracking and important data support for the skillsassessment of employees and prepare for next step employees training work, in order toachieve the goals of training informationization, systematization and standardization.In order to meet the needs of enterprise employees online training needs, thissystem’s design and development mainly includes the training of project application and auditing, training content management, training achievements inspection, traininginformation query, system maintenance, a total of five big functions. The system isrunning in WEB environment based on B/S structure, through the webpage interaction toprovide a complete service function for the users, using the application of UMLmodeling language to analyze and refine requirements, and using the object orientedcomponent technology, and the implementation of the database design and optimization.Firstly, it was necessary to research the present situation and the future developmenttrend of online training system, through the way such as feasibility study, requirementanalysis approach to define system development goals and the significance, main contentof system implementation, using UML modeling tools to finish the work of requirementanalysis and arrangement.Secondly, it analyzes the key technology used by system development, discusses thefeasibility of the key technologies and the technical difficulties, and determines thetechnical solution.Thirdly, it introduces the design and implementation of the system from the systemdesign, database design, detailed design and code implementation and several aspects. Ituses the requirement analysis documents like activity diagram, case diagram, classdiagram, and database e-r diagram document, to guide the design and development work.Finally, it draws up the detailed test plan and completes the system test work.According to the changing of the enterprises training requirements, it can improve theexpansion type and stability of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online training system, UML modeling, B/S structure
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