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The Design And Implementation Of Electronic Tax Archival System

Posted on:2015-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452959868Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development and widely used of computer technology, the taxdepartment at work will generate a lot of electronic documents and image files, at thesame time there are many more archive save the traditional paper form, stored in a filecabinet or warehouses. This management approach has brought a lot of problems, onthe one hand electronic document stored in separate systems or computers, closed tothe outside, inconvenient access, storage of high-risk, repeat preservation will causewaste of storage resources. On the other hand difficult to manage paper-basedarchives, inconvenient access, susceptible to damage, take up a lot of office space.How to efficiently archive large amounts of data and can be easy access, so that thetax officials freed from the everyday tedious file management tasks, is current urgenttask to be solved.This paper aims to solve these problems showed before, adoption informationtechnology to design and implement electronic tax archival system, to improve theefficiency of the tax work. The paper analyzes the background of electronic taxarchival system and the development of the status quo at home and abroad, the mainproblems to be resolved, system architecture, design and deployment principles. In theprocess of system core business, interface design, system interface and other parts areanalyzed, and the achievement of specific technical and implementation are given.The electronic tax archival system is based on J2EE platform, and we use Struts+Spring+Hibernate lightweight framework, combines with MVC design pattern toensure the system easy to maintain and expand. In addition, the system uses theemerging NoSQL technologies, the use of distributed file storage database MongoDBsolves tax file data volume, access inefficient, not easy to expand and other issues, themain innovations include:1、Solve massive data storage problems. Even hundreds of GB of data a yearmore than enough storage using MongoDB. NoSQL technology to solve one of theproblems is to deal with large data volumes, the unique distributed architecture thatcan accommodate massive data storage.2、Solve archival access performance problems. MongoDB stores data in adatabase format is key-value types, this structure is characterized by leading thespecified access key value has a high performance advantages, but also for thestructure of a distributed system to share the pressure and load balancing provides a good implementation foundation.3、Get a good scalability. When the amount of data stored is about to reach thelimit, the system architecture can easily scale. MongoDB with no shared storagearchitecture, you can add inexpensive PC server approach linear scaling systemprocessing and storage capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic archival, Tax archival, J2EE, SSH, NoSQL, MongoDB
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