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Study Of Usage Of High School Physics Textbook

Posted on:2016-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SunFull Text:PDF
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Textbooks are the main resources for didactical activities and directly influence the quality of didactical activities. In order to understand the adequacy of high school physics textbook published by People’s Education Press and inspect current implementation of new curriculum from the perspective of using textbooks, literature method、questionnaire method and mathematical statistics method are used. Based on the compilation theory of textbook and collation of literature research on textbooks, questionnaires and interviews are introduced to teachers and students who use the high school physics textbooks published by People’s Education Press, combined with stratified sampling and random sampling. The differences for different groups on using textbook, their attitudes, usage styles and usage extent are studied by the mean comparison and chi-square test to ensure the accuracy of results. At the same time, interviews and classroom observation are conducted to analyze the usage problems of textbook.The main purpose of this work includes:(1) usage status of physics textbook of teachers and students, such as usage status of each section and usage status of different learning phase;(2) the analysis of aspects which influence the usage of physics textbook;(3) evaluation and feelings of teachers and students on each section of physics textbook;(4) the differences of usage status and evaluation for different groups.There are six parts in this thesis: the first part is the research purpose、 significance、research method and literature review; the second part illustrates the basic theories on textbook compilation, usage and evaluation, as well as the function and value of physics textbook; the third part describes the design and implementation of questionnaires on high school physics textbook, including the reliability and validity of research; the fourth part analyzes the results of questionnaires from four aspects, teachers’ and students’ attitudes on physics textbook, usage extent of each section, usage mode of textbook, the factors influenced the usage of textbook; the fifth part talks about the recognition index and evaluation of teachers and students on physics textbook as well as students’ suggestions on the expended content for textbook; the sixth part is the suggestions on revising high school physics textbooks and on the teachers’ usage of textbook. The research deficiency and follow-up work are pointed out in the end.The findings and conclusions of this study:(1) a sense of recognition of physics textbook is very helpful to students’ study;(2) different sections in the text book are directly used in the class, but usage frequency is very low for some sections;(3) students with better grades can make good use of physics textbook, implying the profitable promotion of textbook for students;(4) scores of physics and types of school are the main factors that cause the different recognition of textbook;(5) many teachers decide to discard some section due to the lack of teaching conditions and class period or no requirement in the examination;(6) teachers consider that examination evaluation, hardware design and education concept would affect the usage of textbook;(7) The less types of examples and the lower difficulty of exercises are very common in textbook according to teachers and students.In the end, this thesis lists two suggestions on compiling and using of physics textbook:(1) the authors of textbook should pay more attention on the subjectivity of students and increase the interactive or open content to keep the communication with students. At the same time, textbook should strengthen the link with the university entrance examination and extracurricular learning resources should be more operable and attractive;(2) Physics teachers in high schools should take good advantage of the content of the textbook, especially the affiliate programs, to cultivate students’ capacity and give effective guide during their autonomic learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school physics, textbook, usage of textbook
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