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A Study Of Wang Niansun’s Du Shu Za Zhi On The Grammatical Analysis Of Shi Ji And Han Shu

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434465564Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qing Dynasty is the "golden age" of traditional Chinese philology. Text, phonology, exegesisand collating have a great development. Especially in Qianjia (乾嘉)period, a batch of scholarswho were rigorous in their works has emerged. Wang Niansun, as a representative, his Du Shu ZaZhi is one of the works, which has huge and precise content and contains rich grammatical analysis.Du Shu Za Zhi points out many errors of the study on Shi Ji and Han Shu, becoming theindispensable reference for the two books. This paper is involved in all grammatical analysis on ShiJi and Han Shu of Du Shu Za Zhi, in order to find Wang Niansun’s achievements in syntactic andthe status in the history of linguistics in China.This paper is according to the reprint of Du Shu Za Zhi of Jiangsu Ancient Books PublishingHouse in September2000.In the view of grammatical history and base on modern grammaticaltheory, using description, comparison, analysis as the main methods, collecting materials, the papersystematically discusses the grammatical analysis on Shi Ji and Han Shu of Du Shu Za Zhi,especially the lexical part.First, analyzes the research on Shi Ji and Han Shu of Du Shu Za Zhi about different types ofword-building, such as a single word changing its sound to form a new word, two synonymouswords combining, modifying compound words and verb-complement compound wordsand Additive compound words.Second, analyzes the main expressions of the concepts of Wang on the part of speech: usingspecial notes; explaining lexical meaning; using related notes. His research is including nouns, verbs,adjectives, pronouns, quantifiers, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, modal particles, etc.Third, finds that Wang’s concepts of words functions include words syntactic functions and theword-class shift functions. Words syntactic functions are mainly reflected by correspondingcomposition, the analysis on combination of words, technical term, adjusting word order, includingnouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. The word-class shiftfunctions are mainly reflected by corresponding composition and the analysis on combination ofwords, including nouns and adjectives. Fourth, about the combination of words, Wang often analyzes them, directly or indirectlyreflecting some important rules or principles of words combination, such as three points of view onrestricting the combination of words. The paper, from the similar perspectives of semantics,pragmatics, grammar of modern grammatical study, discusses this respect.Fifth, measures and analyzes the terms in Du Shu Za Zhi on Shi Ji named "xiangduiweiwen"(“相对为文”)"duiwen"(“对文”),"fuyu"(“复语”)"lianwen"(“连文”),"fasheng"(“发声”)"fashengzhu "(“发声助”), and points out the characteristics of Du Shu Za Zhiin the use of the terms.Finally, summarizes the achievements: using terms and having views of grammatical analysis;providing a certain methodology; having a certain grammatical history value; involving somethingof word-building; recognition on words combination, etc. Then summarize its deficiencies: Wang’sgrammatical concepts are in different depths. Although using a lot of terms of grammatical analysis,Wang does not define them and account for using. In addition, due to the misunderstanding of somegrammatical features, he caused some mistakes and shortcomings in exegesis and collating, etc.Thus, Wang has grammatical concepts, though not yet reaches high level. We should seethat Wang Niansun inherited the grammatical achievements of predecessors, also affects andinspires the study later.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Niansun, Du Shu Za Zhi, Shi Ji, Han Shu, grammar
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