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A Study On The Complex Of Reading

Posted on:2016-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330479991614Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Niansun is an important representer of textology of the Qing dynasty. His dushu zazhi is a model of collating ancient books work, and the research achievements of his life. It is a milestone of the Chinese linguistics on a path to science. It provides a large number of examples and rich data in the revised sample books, cluster, the respect such as textual research meaning for the study of the language.It is a characteristic of collating and exegetical practice that Wang Niansun and his father find the ancient prose the fuyu, and they reveal the law and a large number of facts of digging.They proved many fuyu of the pre-Qin period to make correct understanding of these words for us and provides reliable basis for proof reading ancient books. In dushu zazhi, Wang Niansun mention "the ancients has its own fuyu ". There are 14, 11 cases involving fuyu. Namely: dongyanyaoci, heju,ruoci, qiju, renfu, yonghe, shurang, yidai,yuanyao, qunzhong, yanwen. The basic format is "A, is B, AB, the ancients has its own language ".This article choose fuyu in dushu zazhi as the research object, and the main to solve the following problems:First of all,we inspect fuyu, lianyu, lianmianci, chongyan, lianyan, fuzi, lianwen, fuci to find the relationship between these terms from the root. Especially compared with the Wang Niansun mentioned complex language, so as to accurately define the reading journal double language, even the language meaning.Second, we research 14 fuyu in the dushu zazhi one by one, and divide into four categories. At the same time, there are dual tone words, we can from Wang Niansun proof method, conclusion, and circumstantial evidence proved to be complex, but the wang did not say, and we call "zhunfuyu". We analysis, summarizes the characteristics of the fuyu.In addition, there are some examples of suspected fuyu, and this article will also carries on the brief analysis, so as to clear the definition of fuyu.Third, we will compare dushu zazhi with the middle school language in the same sentence. We can points out its wrong interpretation, and analyses the reason of fuyu misinterpretation. It can help students to further interpret ancient classics. Combined with common dictionary dictionaries at the same time, we analysis of the fuyu study of dictionary dictionaries compilation and revision of the effects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Niansun, dushu zazhi, fuyu
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