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Analysis Of Related Factors About Women’s Menopause Age In Jinan

Posted on:2016-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330482963606Subject:Child and Adolescent Health and Maternal and Child Health Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
[Background]Menopause refers to ovarian function decline and Menstruation permanent stop. Menopause can be divided into natural and artificial menopause. Natural menopause means varian follicles physiologically running out, or the rest of the follicles lose reaction to gonadotropin, so follicles can not grow and secret estrogen, can no longer stimulate endometrial growth, which lead to menopause. Artificial menopause refers to the surgical removal of the bilateral ovaries or using other methods to stop function, such as menopause caused by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The most obvious change before and after menopause is ovarian function decline. After menopause, when the follicle stop growing completely, estrogen level in women drops rapidly, which has a strong influence on women’s physical and mental health after the menopause. Recent possible symptoms include vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, disorder of autonomic nerve symptom such as insomnia, palpitation, anxiety, depression and other mental nerve symptoms; The forward possible atrophy of the urinary tract symptoms, such as:uropoiesis reproductive tract infection, vaginal dryness, sexual difficulties, may also appear osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.Thanks to the protection of estrogen,growth period women have lower risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes than postmenopausal women or men of the same age, chronic disease prevalence increased after menopause in women. Related literature reports, natural menopause age has important influence on the health of middle-aged and old women. Women with delay menopause age, the risk of cardiovascular disease reduce, but the risk of breast cancer increases.Women with advanced menopause age have increased risks of osteoporosis, elevated blood lipid, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and may even increase all-cause mortality. So women menopause age and their influencial factors get more and more attention from scholars. Many factors may affect the age of menopause, such as genetic factor, menstrual history, history of examination, breastfeeding, level of education, living habits, chronic diseases, and so on. Reports in Shandong about natural menopause age and its influencing factors are less. To explore naturally postmenopausal women age and its influencing factors in jinan, this research study 40-60 years old women. Provide a scientific basis for clinical work of middle-aged and old women. Improve the quality of middle-aged and old women’s life.[Objective] Aiming at understanding the related factors influencing menopause age, screening the influencial factors of menopause, guiding the perimenopausal nursing, and early detection of abnormal clinical manifestations such as premature ovarian failure, postmenopausal bleeding, at the same time,do early detection and early treatment, we make comprehensive survey of perimenopausal women aged 35 to 60 in six communities in jinan.[Methods] Respondents:Female, aged 35 to 60, natural menopause without suffering from serious cardiovascular, critical organs such as liver, kidney, brain disease and uncontroled endocrine disease (hyperthyroidism, diabetes), etc., For the convenience of investigation, educational requirements need to be junior high school or above. Research method:For the convenience of investigation, cross-sectional survey method is used. Make use of the self-designed questionnaire. The invest -igation project includes general condition, physiological factors, genetic factors, social factors, life habits, psychological factors.Every factor includes several layed analysis.[Conclusion] ①General condition:women’s groups of different cultural levels has statistical significance with average menopause age(P< 0.01), the family income is the influence factor of menopause age(0.01< P< 0.05), and the marriage situation, the profession have no statistical significance (P> 0.05).②.Physiological factors:in physiological factors, regular menstruation or not, anemia, taking birth control pills history, history of pelvic surgery, sound uterine and ovarian or not are five significant factors from a statistical difference (P< 0.01), health status, BMI, age of menarche, hyperthyroidism, history of liver diseases, gynecological diseases, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), number of motherhood, ligation or not, the above for the factors that affect female menopause age (0.01< P< 0.05), and whether the weight loss, blood disease, endocrine, nutritional status, age at first pregnancy, production way, pregnancy, lactation time, whether the various factors of spontaneous abortion and the female menopause age difference statistically insignificant (P> 0.05).③.Genetic factors:including the mother’s age of menopause (correlation coefficient || r= 0.725, corresponding to the P< 0.01) in performance differences statistically significant, the mother whether menstrual history rule statistically difference (0.01< P< 0.05), presence of reproductive organs was abnormal in genetic relationship has no statistical significance (P> 0.05).④.Social factors:whether often work overtime, work pressure and the relationship, understanding of social current competition condition, family atmosphere, the hobby is widespread, place of residence surroundings seven factors impact on female menopause significant statistically (P< 0.01).Engaged in the nature of the work, are always on the night shift, the stimulation of major events, and the child’s feelings is also affecting the influence factors of postmenopausal women (0.01< P< 0.05).And family condition, old woman daughter-in-law relation, and the relationship between the family and friends, and the feelings of parents, parents still alive, the condition of the feelings of parents, her husband’s body circumstance, the season of birth not significant from a statistical considered.⑤.Life habits:including whether to stay up late, often exercise, eating meals regularly, whether the supplementary estrogen, often drinking wine are five influencial factors on fle menopause with significant statistical meaning(P< 0.01). In addition, whether smoking, whether emafrequent drinking milk, passive smoking affecting female menopause age has significant statistical meaning (0.01< P< 0.05).In addition, whether regular gynaecological check-up, whether diet hun vegetable collocation, if often eat fish and shrimp with beans, often take part in some collective social events, whether or not often cross your legs, diet to pay attention to supplement iron, calcium and vitamins and trace elements from a statistical discussions about no statistical significance (P> 0.05).⑥.Psychological factors:The ability to alleviate the pressure of the life, easily excited, such as angry or angry, whether or not worry some irrelevant things uselly, depressed easily, nothing can let himself happy, whether often feel anxious, whether always feel nervous in the heart, six factors that affect female menopause significant from a statistical analysis (P < 0.01).Weather often feel happiness, work at ordinary times when feel tired, satisfied with the present life, could get problems from the optimistic manner and positive view, these four factors that affect menopause age(0.01< P< 0.05).In addition, could find the transfer points when feels anxiety and sad, introversion and extroversion personality, could or not get emotional help from family when have a problem, there is no statistical significance (P>0.05).
Keywords/Search Tags:Menopause age, Related factors, Analysis
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