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Analysis Of Pregnant Women Management In Guinea Public Maternity

Posted on:2014-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330422962712Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: Guinea-Conakry Matam Public maternity department are among the mostconsulted medical departments by the women. Because of the importance of maternal careservices, but the risk and their unavailability to provide adequate care are increasing. Theobjective of this study was to analyze the pregnant women management by the Publicmaternity department led to the center of the main factors of maternal mortality, seekingbasic strategy to reduce Guinea maternal mortality rate.Methods: We used database of statistic department of Public hospital of Matam; GuineaDepartment of Maternal and Child Health, Ministry of Health2009,Guinea Conakry, finalreport. Guinea National Direction of Statistics (NDS)&ORC Macro2000, GuineaDemographic and Health Survey III, Guinea2005. China maternal mortality rate from theChinese health statistics yearbook of2010. Tongji maternity characteristics from Tongjistatistics department; and complementary literature review methods, as well as manualinformation retrieval.102pregnant women were include in this study, with27gestationaldiabetes women, and75pregnant women without gestational diabetes mellitus. Dataextraction and organized were conducted through the comprehensive analysis of therelationship between impact of the monitoring of pregnant women diabetic and those nodiabetes. Data processing and analysis were carrying out by using Epidata version3.1andStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version12.Results: The mean age of monitoring women in our study was27years old with a widerange (19->35), about28.4%were aged less than19years old, the percentage increasedfrom3.7%in G1to37.3%in G2; about35.3%of women were aged between25-29yearsold, the percentage decreased from44.4%in G1to32.0%in G2; while only17.6%ofwomen were aged more than35years old. The difference between two groups wasstatistically significant (p <0.05). About37.0%of the participant in G1had primary schooleducational level, with26.7%in G2. A proportion of22.2%in G1and36.0%in G2had junior high school level and about3.7%in G1and12.0%in G2had high and technicalschool level. Only a few percentage3.7%in G1and16.0in G2had secondary anduniversity educational level. The difference between two groups was significant (p<0.05).There were10cases Gravidic-hypertensive disorders associated with malaria and anaemiain G1, and40cases in G2. The finding shows that gravidic hypertensive disordersassociated with malaria and anemia increased significantly. Fetus complications were asdiverse and varied as women, the overly large babies (macrosomia) dominated, with18.5%in G1and54.7%in G2, the percentage increased statically from G1to G2(p<0.05).The frequency of women who had not given birth previously (nulliparous/primigravida)was8567.6%in G1and13.3%in G2. The frequency of woman who has been pregnantmore than once and had given birth more than once (multiparous/multigravida) were14.8%in G1to66.7%in G2and the difference between two groups was statisticallysignificant (p<0.05).Conclusion: Through the Data Analyze of Matam Conakry Public maternity department,should learn from China’s successful experience in reducing maternal mortality rate, throughcentral control of maternal disease, creation of maternal services close to the women, modern equipmentof maternity, the elevation of maternel health information level by the increase of women education levelare among the major lines should follow Guinea. Health policy maker should improve and reducequickly maternal mortality rate resulting from women management.Recommendation:Recommendations will go to pregnant women, health workers and the health policy makers;everyone has to hold its responsibility in relation to the improvement of women health andliving conditions.Pregnant women must:women must increase their ability to receive and understand health messages--Respect the schedules of antenatal and postnatal care control.--Accept the advicegiven by the health workers.---Deliver in a maternity center. Health workers must:Educate pregnant women on the importance of screening for gestational diseases.--Ensure proper monitoring of all pregnant women in order to detect gestationaldiseases.--Implement a program for monitoring and treatment of pregnancydiseases in order to prevent maternal death.Health policy makers must:Provide maternity center with human and material resources for its properfunctioning.--Train or retrain health workers in screening pregnantwomen--Organize information campaigns on the pregnancy management--come upwith policies which will help to reduce the gap in Guinea maternal mortality as it isdone in China.STUDY LIMITATIONThe difficulties of this research can be summarized as follows:Guinea is one of those countries in Sub-Sahara that still lags behind in the area ofinternet use. The researcher, therefore, is faced with scarcity and constraints ingetting current data.Cost prohibitive to collect data (financial cost) as Guinea is too far from China.Poor recording system and scarcity of new research in public maternity were alsoan obstacle to get or access secondary data of the pregnant complications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management
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