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Research On Industrial Transfer And The Effect On Industrial Structure Optimization Of Hunan

Posted on:2017-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330485959821Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the wave of international industrial transfer, the southeast coastal areas in China By undertaking overseas manufacturing industry transfer, take the lead in development. With the increase of cost of production factors, the disappearance of the comparative advantage and the need of the economic transformation, the eastern coastal areas facing manufacturing industry transfer, it makes the central and western regions become the main positions to undertake the international and coastal areas Industrial transfer. The factors flow caused by the transfer of industry, accelerate the accumulation of capital, technology, talents and other factors of production, will be conducive to the central and western region’s industrial structure adjustment and optimization. Industrial transfer is a "double-edged sword", industrial relocation may promote the optimization of industrial structure, realize the transformation of industrial economy, promote the development of economy, is also likely to bring industrial economic development imbalances and environmental pollution problems. Industrial transfer and industrial structure influence each other, therefore, how to undertake industrial transfer in the process of realize the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, is an important theoretical issue. Hunan province is the main transfer to southeast coastal area industrial transfer. Currently Hunan undertaking the foreign investment and domestic capital industry transfer. This article based on the qualitative analysis research of industrial transfer on industrial structure, analysis the influencing factors of the industrial structure. Using econometric model to analysis industrial transfer influences on industrial structure. In the first place, the article summarized the basic theories of industrial transfer and industrial structure, analysis the current research of industrial transfer and industrial structure optimization. Secondly analyzes the present situation of industrial transfer in Hunan province, including inline investments and utilization of foreign direct investment. And, the article studied the present situation of industrial structure in Hunan, and the problems of Industrial structure. Then, the paper studied the effect of industry transfer on industrial structure in Hunan province based on the current situation of industrial transfer and industrial structure. Afterwards, establish relevant indicators of industrial transfer and made empirical research on industrial structure optimization. Through the establishment of multiple linear regression model, draw the conclusion that industrial transfer can promotes optimization of industrial structure. At the same time, by introduction of VAR model to analyze the short-term impact of industrial transfer to industrial structure. Finally summarizes the research conclusion of the paper, industrial transfer has a promoting effect on optimization of industrial structure of Hunan province, and put forward recommendations to industry transfer on promoting industrial structure of Hunan province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial Transfer, Industrial Structure, Optimization, Hunan Province
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