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Study On The Optimal Design Of The Interior Space Of Shantytowns Resettlement House In Xiamen

Posted on:2017-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LuFull Text:PDF
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With gradual promotion of Xiamen City shantytowns renovation project, resettlement housing design more and more attention, and the shantytowns, resettlement housing design is generally considered newspaper gauge construction can through, requirements specifications to policy provisions, basically no interest to the designer houses is consistent with the resettlement of residents living needs. How to design and meet the needs of the residents of this special group of shantytowns resettlement housing is an urgent problem to be solved. In view of this situation, the author of Xiamen City Fang Lake area of resettlement housing indoor space launched a investigation and research work, based on that the shantytowns placement problems existed in real indoor space design summarize and make some optimization design attempt.This article is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction part, which shows the background and origin, significance, domestic and foreign research status and deficiencies, object, content, innovation, methods and the definition of several concepts. Origin of the second chapter mainly introduces the shantytowns placement of the housing, by the shanty towns of the formation and transformation mechanism and placement of the housing characteristics, analysis of the penggai housing in the resettlement of residents, construction and interior space particularity. The third chapter is to Xiamen shantytowns, resettlement housing relocation of residents and the basic situation of the resettlement housing assessment investigation, discovered the problem and thinking and its reasons, and Fang Lake area of resettlement housing development are summarized. In the fourth chapter, the third chapter is based on the conclusion of the study of the function space plane size design, functional space combination design and public space design of the urban shantytowns. The fifth chapter, follow the squatter resettlement housing design of the composite principle, efficiency principle, adaptability principle and economic principle, Taoxing proposed can be adaptive design, circuit design space, "2 + X" space design three indoor space optimization method, and has built resettlement housing project proposed the implementation of Taoxing optimization suggestions. The sixth chapter is the research achievements are summarized, and pointed out the problems existing in the research, to study and explore the Xiali is put forward.In this article, I hope that in the supplementary shantytowns placement housing related theoretical research at the same time, to provide some new design ideas for future Xiamen City shantytowns, resettlement housing interior space design, improve the placement of the real use of space, promote social harmony and stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiamen, Shantytowns, Resettlement house, Interior space, Optimal design
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