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The Research On Space Composition And The Changes Of Using Status Of Urban Villages Both Internal And External Users

Posted on:2017-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid urbanization in China, Ur ban construction land expands gradually to urban periphery.Originally located in per i urban rural land becomes the new ur ban construction land, resulting in suburban and ru ral areas continue to be surrounded by city.Urban Villages are therefore produced. Additionally, our long-standing urban-rural dual land system makes a la rge number of villages appear since the 90 s of the last century, Showing a rapid growth m omentum. With the growing number of villages, a serious impediment to the rap id development of cities, major cities have launched a transformation of villages.In the reconstruction of Xi’an city as an example, Xi’an city in 2004 began to implement the transformation of villages, in 2010 before and after the large-scale demolition work, by the end of August 2013, has completed the transformation of the community reached the number of 96 resettlement villages. With the transformation of residential lots of put into use, have exposed a lot of problems, mainly in the village renovation of residential space environment and the actual needs of users inside and outside the conflict. Reflected in the physical environment, there emergence of residential, light weight of the villagers, light and life; floating populat ion; heavy housing right s, the right to use light tendency, even the transformation of villages residential part has been developed for the new village.A lot of inconv enience to life on the transform ation of the pattern space not only to the villagers, while i gnoring the existence of floating population, forcing it to the surrounding villages. Th erefore even further at present T he transformation of villages in the city is short of the study of the sp atial planning problem for the users of the inside and outside of the city.Village development is a chang ing dynamic process, due to the unbalance of urbanization, within the city lim its will exis t at the sam e time in dif ferent stages of development of villag es in the city. Ther efore, throughout the village in cit y development and changes in the w hole process of constitute of diffe rent stages of village in city space, d ifferent types of users and the dem and for space data m odel, in order to better guide of vill age space reconstruction. Based on this, this paper to space before and after the reconstruction of the village structure and usage as the breakthrough point, trying to m eet the demand in domestic and foreign users of space analysis. The purpose is to proposed internal and extern al users both the transformation of villages in the city area of preliminary design strategy.This paper selec ts VIC in typical cases- the altar of the village as the focus of the research object, before and after th e transformation of its inte rnal and external user types, spatial com position and use conditions for research analysis, reuse or transformation after transformation research space, the city proposed preliminary design ideas Nakamura cell transform ation, both in ternal and external users of spatial composition principle to discuss the content and form of space and optimize space to meet specific user needs both insid e and ou tside the transformation of villages cell spatial structure, provide a ref erence for the future transformation of villages cell constructive comments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Village, Space Composition, Use Status, Internal and External Users Design Strategy
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