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Research On Model Of Shop Facade Of The Republican Period In Suzhou

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Suzhou shops of the republican period is an important component of China’s modern commercial buildings, as the typical representative of establishing cultural heritage. In this thesis, shops of the republican period in Suzhou as the main research object, through a wide range of data collection and field investigation research for many times, won a lot of topics related graphic information and data of surveying and mapping. In fully combed natural geography, social economy, regional culture, and business formats of spatial distribution of the republican period in Suzhou under the premise of summarizing the shop facade features of western-style style during the period of China. Using the Typology, Design, Architectural morphology and other relevant theories and research methods, summarizes the overall characteristics of the shop facade in detail, and tries to summarize influence the facade form specific causes.The author summarizes the “four kinds of imitation western-style architecture vocabulary”, respectively is: imitation of Renaissance, imitation Baroque, imitation and neoclassicism imitation decorative style, through comparison and analysis of the nature of the research object facade. At the same time combing integration including: traditional style, the front style, imitation of the style and contracted style “four types of facade style type”, the study found that the formation of the four types of facade style witnessed the process of fusion of Chinese and western culture. Then further from facade form, Figure-ground relationship, and the Composition Rule and proportion relationship with respect to its specific features in-depth analysis, the author sums up four facade features:traditional- quaint open structure type,western-style facade- the vertical balanced decoration type, Set of copy style-fusion type of vertical and horizontal comparison, contracted style- concise type function block.In the end, respectively from the aspects of economy, technology, culture, summed up the main factors affecting the formation of Suzhou shop facade of the republican period,namely from the dominant influence of commercial function, technical support of construction methods and the inner drive of cultural fusion, become the results under the action of three main factors.Suzhou shops of the republican period is the product of Chinese and western culture blend symbiotic, reproduce the unique atmosphere of the business culture at the same time,are of high artistic value. This article hopes by the systematic carding of Suzhou shop of the republican period facade types and characteristics, for China’s current regional commercial building facade design to provide important reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Publican Period, Shop Facade, Style type, Modelling characteristics
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