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The Application Of Semiotics In The Construction Of Urban Space Characteristic

Posted on:2016-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330476951105Subject:Urban and rural planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Let the city get into the nature, so that residents could see the mountains, visible water, remember nostalgia; and to integrate into the modern elements, but also to preserve and promote traditional culture, the continuation of the city’s historical context", which is put forward in December 2013 the central work conference urbanization urban construction policy. This policy clearly oppose to "thousands of the city side are keen to expand the city expanding city, in favor of high-rise buildings, blindly greedy big ocean, resulting in" approach. Promote urban culture, the continuation of historical memory, creating urban characteristics have been mentioned strategic countries. These "culture, memory, features" in the city need to carry through figurative materialized space. In other words, the city characteristics require the specific characteristics of urban space to reflect.Semiotics is the core symbol, that is some form of constitution, it expressed a sense of mark or marks, whose role is alleged real phenomenon. Semiotics is to reveal the nature, mode of operation and generated in the course of Cultural Implications symbol. 80 s along with China was "culture craze" semiotics is widely used in the creation of the field of literature, theater, film, architecture and other art. It has made many achievements. Modeling of urban space also belong to the category of art, principles of semiotics space for the construction of the characteristics of "Cultural Meaning" economically significant.Firstly, this paper studies the surface structure, the deep structure and the symbol level of the characteristic signs of urban space, and expounds the mechanism and process of the form and the conversion of the form and meaning of the city space characteristic.. Secondly, through the urban sp ace characteristics of symbols meaning conception, meaning convey mechanism, types and ways of representation of the system elaboration, clarify for the characteristics of the urban space meant to convey and cognitive activities of fuzzy understanding, opens out its active mechanism, and puts forward the corresponding design principles and methods, for the specific characteristics of the urban space shape to provide a basis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Space Characteristic, Symbol, Semiotics, Model
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