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G Group Enterprise Funds Management Mode

Posted on:2014-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L HuangFull Text:PDF
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In the national economy in the overall downturn in the cycle, the international financialcrisis has no obvious improvement trend, China must change the mode of economic growth inthe background, development of enterprise group, one is based on the development of thewhole industry, on the other hand, from the angle of enterprises, strengthen enterprisemanagement, improve economic efficiency. Financial management of enterprise managementis the key, and financial management is the core of the management, how to conduct effectivecapital accumulation, financing, investment, need to be studied further. This paper firstlyintroduces the meaning of enterprise of this form of organization, characteristics, basic types,as well as the advantage of enterprise groups, research object of financial management forenterprise group, and then introduces the basic theory of capital management, capitalmanagement, including the meaning of content, five kinds of management modes. Then thepresent situation of the capital management in G group company the author is described,based on the existing data to understand and master, uses the combination of internal model ofbanking and financial company mode for enterprise group fund management mode. Forcomparison, position and function of internal bank model and financial company modeanalysis of advantages and disadvantages, the difference between the two modes are presented.Combined with the group’s own situation, suggestions for optimizing the enterprise groupfund management mode was given two. The author draws the conclusion, different moneymanagement models have advantages and limitations of their own, for the development ofenterprise group better, managers need to choose a more suitable for enterprise developmentfund management mode, the need to fully integrated enterprise present situation to decide, sothe fund management mode itself is not good or bad, only to find a a fit our own groupdevelopment model, is a good model. Finally, the shortages of this article, as well as the fundsmanagement mode in the future development of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:enterprise group, funds management mode, compare, optimize
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