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A Research Of Interaction Design For The Electronic Commerce Website Form Based On Efficiency

Posted on:2014-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425960749Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Form is one of the most important entry of dialogue between e-commerce siteand its users, but the users usually do not want to waste their time on it. Completingthe form quickly and efficiently has become an urgent need of both consumers andbusinesses. When surfing the e-commerce site, users are forced to repeatedly fill outthe form almost every time they want to complete the transaction. So the efficiency offorms has become one of the most important metrics of usability and satisfaction inthe e-commerce web site. In this context, interaction design research on the form ine-commerce sites is significant.Based on analyzing the features of form in the e-commerce site, and startingfrom the two elements and angles of efficiency measure, which are the time requiredto complete the task and the user’s efforts, this paper analyze the interaction design onthe e-commerce website form. Using the theory of cognitive psychology, the paper putthe behavior of filling forms into three categories, which are user informationreceiving and understanding, depth of information processing and information outputand operation. Then, the efficiency of e-commerce website form is studied, on thebasis of work theory. This study found that cognitive work and memory work mainlyaffects the user’s understanding and processing of the form information, which thenaffects the time of locating and understanding the objects in the form. And physicalwork affects the procedure and the difficulty of using the form, which meanwhileaffects users’ operating time. So the product experience goals of the e-commercewebsite forms which based on efficiency is minimizing the time to complete tasks, thecognitive and memory resources required, the steps and difficulty of operator action.On this basis, the structure, component and vision of e-commerce website formare discussed. Suggesting that e-commerce website form design should be based onthe user’s cognitive and operational characteristics and the characteristics of the formin actual project, should adopt the appropriate forms structure and components, andrational use of visual elements for information partitioning and hierarchical. Therebyhelping to reduce the user’s cognitive,memory and operating burden, then improvethe form’s efficiency.Finally, the paper combines a project in Alipay Network Technology Co., Ltd.and reaches a preliminary object of reducing the work of web forms, and improvingits efficiency by reference to the above theory and methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:e-commerce, interaction design, efficiency, website form
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