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The Design And Implementation Of Enterprise Online Customer Service Outsourcing System

Posted on:2014-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425468540Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present market competition become more and more intense, in order to winmore market share, the enterprise need provide quality customer service.With thedevelopment of the Internet, many enterprises have their own portal website, as theimage of the enterprise and the display window of the enterprise products.It’s helpful topublicize the corporate culture and sale their products.In order to improve the visitingcustomers satisfaction and retain visiting customers, at the same time to expand thescale of enterprises and market, enterprises online customer service outsourcing systemhas become an important means to solve the problem.Business online customer service outsourcing system module is embedded into theorganization’s existing online portal or business systems.Customer service by building aplatform that can provide all users with real-time information online counseling andface to face communication. Customer service system will be used as develop newbusiness and customers main windows and portals for corporate customers and potentialcustomers.It’s an effective channel of communication,It’s the important means toimprove enterprise development and market share. Customer service system canprovide business consulting, search queries, customer complaints and systemmanagement and other services.On the one hand by providing quality services, establisha good corporate image. On the other hand make use of scientific management of theplatform to generate statistical reports and metrics data to achieve precise positioning ofmarket demand.Corporate leadership can be fed back information to make timelyscientific, effective decisions. In short, the development of customer service systems notonly provide customer satisfaction, stable consumer market, users can tap the potentialto improve the company’s service quality, reduce customer wait for service responsecycle and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.This paper researched the design and implementation of enterprise online customerservice outsourcing system,mainly introduced the development overview, requirementanalysis, system function, system design, system realization and other content. Thepaper focuses on the system design, mainly relates to the technical scheme, systemoverall design, the overall business structure, the overall technical system architecture,system module design, database design and other content.This paper has carried on the detailed elaboration and design, and achievedall the functions throughthe program code.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise, Online customer service, Outsourcing system
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