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The Assets And Liabilities Management System Design And Implementation Of Tianjin Bank

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425461498Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of market economy, China’s commercial banks in increasing difficulty controlling risks, a comprehensive asset and liability management system can effectively measure, statistics, monitoring from the market, policy, liquidity and interest rate risk. Existing commercial banks want in an increasingly fierce competitive environment it is necessary to strengthen and expand the idea of trying to become a qualified competitor. Domestic financial industry is experiencing unprecedented market environment changes. Since China joined the WTO since2001, gradually opening up financial markets, trade protection regulations gradually lifted, speed up the process of privatization and globalization, the commercial banks will face in the near future liberalization of interest rates and develop their own product prices.Commercial banks use the management system can effectively face a variety of risks, and quickly identify and make risk-averse operations. Long-term stable development of commercial banks has great significance and role. Bank of Tianjin hope that this asset and liability management project to achieve objectives:learning from international advanced management methods and models, give full consideration to the domestic financial market situation and development prospects, quantify interest rate risk and liquidity risk measurement, to improve the sensitivity of banks’ risk, improve risk management, the establishment of Minsheng Bank asset liability Management system of the new mechanism.I work and I work according to the actual situation of units, according to the bank asset and liability management business analysis, analysis of the commercial banking system needs urgent problem. The overall system structure and function to achieve, a comprehensive database schema designs. The system uses J2EE technology and based on B/S system architecture development program.The system implementation, basically reached the originally envisaged development purposes. This system was developed to achieve this important commercial banks’ balance scientific data, information management is an important step, is a commercial bank management from manual operation to the information technology implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Assets and liabilities, Information system, B/S structure, J2EE
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