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Analysis Of Television Programs On Agriculture

Posted on:2015-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HeFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up, China’s rural economy, society has undergoneenormous changes. China is a large agricultural country,80per cent of the population isrural population, from the point of view of this reality, then China could step into the21stcentury throughout the ranks of moderately developed countries, the key lies in thedevelopment of agriculture. Thus agriculture, rural areas and farmers are increasinglyattracted great attention of the party and the country. Television as the most popular Chineserural mass media, it is bound to fully play its due role and function. Since entering the NewWorld, specialized Chinese television channels have developed fire, such as tea, the policybasis for the country’s top four-run television stations at all levels have set up various typesof professional channels and specialized channels should also be shipped farmers born. Butthe professional channel for farmers in the bud, the development of the whole processencountered many problems, and the media industry practices summarized in the relevantfield and relevant academic theory there are still many lacking for agricultural channels.Number of migrant channels for true all-round agriculture, rural areas and farmers, providestrong support and services for the construction of new countryside is not much, andtelevision programs for farmers in poor quality exists vulgar, good and bad, and so theeffect is not inevitable The problem, it is difficult to meet the new situation, for agriculturalinformation, agricultural production and life, as well as a wide range of culturalentertainment slack season demand in the new situation of the rural audience. Under theintense media competition environment, in order to favor the position, first from thepositioning should be unique, provincial TV on channel positioning is under the foot work,but not difficult to find, most of them still in "Happy "warmth" family "as the theme ofpositioning, differentiation is not very obvious. Its people have, I have, as unique in thepositioning, pre-emptive. Hebei farmers Channel undoubtedly made a good head onselection and audience research has opened up a sea of blue, and achieved remarkableresults. Since the analysis of existing TV channels and more on agriculture starting from journalism, communication, sociology, etc. angle, so I look for other ways to learn from theprofessional art school as a starting point for the outstanding part of Hebei farmers wereanalyzed and interpreted the channel, and then presented to the humble countermeasuresand suggestions China Agricultural television program development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hebei farmers Channel, TV programs for farmers, Development Strategy
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