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The University Fixed Assets Management System Based On WEB Design And Research

Posted on:2014-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401965956Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fixed assets of is the key material basis of teaching, research,management andlogistic service activities of an university. The institutionalization and standardization offixed assets management play a vital role in management system of a university. On onehand, there exists a problem that the assets and resources are not fully used and may bewasted in some degree. On the other hand, Universities in China are relatively lack ofeducation funds and resources. With the gradual amplification of the education fund andthe increase of university assets, there are more and more problems in the managementof assets. So the significance of assets management of university is becoming more andmore conspicuous. The large scale and multiple structure levels, and complexity ofservice activities determine that the assets of university are various and in a largeamount. So it puts forward higher requirements on universities’ assets management. Thefixed assets management system can holistically informationize the process ofmanaging the services about assets,and it paves the way for computerized managementfor assets, which can provide effective information for administrations and theirdecision-makings, it also can promote the standardization and routinization ofmanagement, which can bring high efficiency consequently. With the development ofthe construction of informationized universities, kinds of information systems have beenestablished in the important spot, so it will be a problem that how to integrate the assetsmanagement system and those information systems.Having analyzed the current situation of fixed assets management inuniversities, this paper aims to find out the typical problems about the management,and construct a management system for university’ fixed assets by effective moderninformation technology,regarding actual needs of the management. The emphasis of theskeleton of the system is the integration with the other information systems that havebeen already established. And the integration will be embodied by distributed messagebus technology.The system make it into reality that the network management and enquiry of theassets of a university and the integration with the other systems. The system also provides the functions such as registering assets online and operational maintaining, sothat the manager of properties can register information of assets online, maintain theinformation, enquire the information about warehouse stocks, and manage the lendingand return process. Teachers and students can enter the system to check the informationabout the assets to see if certain asset they need is available and return what they haveborrowed in time. The accountant uses the distributed interface to interact with thefinancial system of the university, and do statistics on the data he gets.
Keywords/Search Tags:universities, the fixed asset management, management informationsystem, distributed system, web base technology
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