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Public Information Resource Acquisition Model Research

Posted on:2014-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401490480Subject:Library and file management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society, Public Information Resource is the core force for a country toexpand its living space, obtain competitive advantages and realize sustainable developmentin fierce international competition. It is also the internal driving force for the mutualbuilding and sharing of the worldwide information resource as well as for the highlyefficient development of knowledge economy. Being the indispensable fundamental elementfor people’s survival and development, its strategic role is outstanding with each passing day.Currently, the management, service and access of Public Information Resource are paidincreasingly attention in the world. Many developed countries, represented by the UnitedStates and EU, have made great efforts and remarkable success on the theoretical studiesand empirical operations of the Public Information Resource’s obtain. As the structuralreform and opening up deepen and broaden, the obtaining of information resource in Chinahas made tremendous changes in the information gross, regime system, access and publicattention. However, compared with developed countries, there are still many shortages inour situation, such as the Information Resource waste, the unsatisfied Public InformationResource needs and the insufficient supply. These issues can not fundamentally beaddressed via the previous government-oriented pattern “running to the end” or “coveringthe all” which requires re-research in the concept of public information sources and theways of gaining, and through the theory of new public administration, to construct a modelof collecting multi-information sources which based on a union of multi-societies withnon-benefit organizations, in which the government get the most information than themarket economy. In this way to maximum the benefits of the social and economy effects ofpublic information sources.This article includes four parts. At the beginning, some home and abroad researchesand the background of the gaining model of public information will be shown. Theanalysis of the concept and content of Public Information Resources will be illustrated inthe second part, and compared in some groups of proposition of theoretical research andmanagement practices of Public Information Resources. In the third part, introductionsabout the gaining of home and abroad Public Information Resources will be seen, alsothere will be some analysis of the two gaining models. At last, a good gaining model ofmulti-public information resources will be built, and analysis to the model will be shownin ways of objective condition, construction content and strategies of implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:pulic information resources, obtain, model
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