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The Development Of Mass Media Research In Congo (DRC)

Posted on:2014-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:KIPOY MUNZALA PATRICK L TFull Text:PDF
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The relevance and importance of news in social life are not toprove. It is in all sectors and areas of life, whether it’s in theorganization or management of human communities. It is thanks to thenews that companies exist, persist, structured, build, and organize.In addition, the increased need for news has prompted the man of alltimes and all places to put on feet to invent various means and medianews. And among all these news, we can cite the most advanced,including the Newspaper, Radio, TV, etc. And some do not know today,these media have become instances of collection, processing anddissemination of news. However, we note that the media, through news,are becoming more and more instances producing representationsdefined as an "organized set of images, values, ideas or concepts bywhich a given society is that is, its place in a larger social whole(world) and its role in history.Certainly, the way the media, particularly television, constructthe news (information) retains certain facts (events) at the expenseof others. And therefore, the representation in the media becomes asocial construction of reality, that is to say it is the result of aprocess of co-production that weigh many constraints. The Congolesemedia construct reality of the Congo by sorting all the newsaccording to professional criteria and technical, with greateremphasis on the principle of interest, significance and timeliness ofnews. Congolese media choices carry information and make theirprioritization in the news starting with the most important news toreach those considered less useful. Their newscast is composed ofmore news on the following topics National: Politics, economy,society, education, religion, culture, science, etc... The opening ofinternational news is smaller in the news. The Congolese media have apicture or a vision of the sociopolitical situation in the Congofeaturing a look at the news deliberately restricted, repetitive andstereotyped productions, but with the ability to guide theinterpretation of way very diverse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Newspaper, Radio, Television, News, Media
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