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Designation And Realization Of Performance Evaluation System Of Colleage Students Based On LAMP Framework

Posted on:2014-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401467055Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of all sectors of society, rapid, accurate, precise, is theinevitable trend of the management, it is the information management system in themanagement field has long been non-a new technology is also being used in manycolleges and universities. However, not all college complete information technologymanagement system, and they are still using the original manual, error rate, huge laborcosts and efficiency compared to the information of the work is much less.This situation is particularly evident in the poor western region universities, to bemanually changed to computer automation systems need leadership attention on themanagement of information technology, as well as the support of informationtechnology talent. Colleges and universities of all types of management system ofinformation technology is bound to instead of manual operation, which is the inevitabletrend of development.In this thesis, this kind of status quo, designed and implemented a job evaluationsystem of college students based on LAMP architecture, the system has the practicality,reliability, stability, and scalability. System is fully in accordance with the actual studentwork assessment process is designed to meet the user a variety of data requestprocessing.The college students work assessment system is a work evaluation platform forcollege student workers. A system based on the LAMP architecture for Webapplications.Take full account of the system design the appraisal work characteristics of collegestudents work, as well as the technical characteristics of the LAMP architecture.Obtained by selecting the openness of the LAMP architecture, greatly facilitate thedevelopment process: these advantages from LAMP universal widespread use andresearch and a large number of reference from the actual model. Select college studentswork assessment of this kind of research areas, in addition to the designer’s workexperience, is that the system can be limited in a relatively small space like, so that thedesigner can focus on research LAMP architecture, MVC design pattern and other technical content.The final job evaluation system of college students is a member on top of theLinux server operating system using Apache as HTTP protocol services provide aplatform for interactive mode on the browser and the back-end server systems betweenthe combination of PHP package. In accordance with the functions of attributes in thesystem, the code is strictly segregated into three levels, the view of human-computerinteraction layer, the business logic of the model layer and control layer applicationservice functions. PHP code for MySQL database server to connect calls to be realizedin the model layer.Demonstrated through the final test session college students work assessmentsystem has basically reached the expected design goals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance evaluation system, LAMP, MVC, API, WEB SERVICE
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