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Research On Marketing Strategy For Changchun Tongxueguan Childhood Center

Posted on:2014-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425965516Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Children carry the future and the hopes of a nation and a country, and thequality of their development is a predicative index for the destiny of a nation andcountry. Cultivating and shaping children to a good form is the requirement for thedevelopment and reviving of a country and nation. The period between0-6years oldis the staring point and foundation for the growth of children, and the early educationof this stage has been incorporated into our national education system for scientificplanning, where it is specified that pre-school education has important significanceto the physical and mental health, the formation of habits and intellectualdevelopment of children. Therefore, the education children of this age group receivewill surely attract the high attention of parents. Surveys conducted by convincingbodies show that, with rapid economic development, educational consumption forchildren between0~6years old in municipal areas in China alone can reach tens ofbillions of Renminbi. In addition, the low threshold for investment on infant andchildren education and national support as welfare through the reduction orexemption of taxes on this industry promotes rapid development of early educationbusiness in major cities like bamboo shoots rising after a spring rain. But meanwhile,our early education units have multiple issues such as weak awareness of marketing,lack of marketing methods, weak awareness of service, etc, making them fail toreach expected benefits and the leading to the withdrawal of investors. These yearsforeign business engaging in early education began landing on China, translatinginto a shakeup of the early education market, and most of local early educationbodies have been placed into very vulnerable situation.This paper takes the Early Education Center of Changchun TongXueGuanChildhood center as the object of study. Through document research and linkingtheory with practice, taking the rise of Chinese early education industry, theestablishment of Changchun TongXueGuan Childhood center as well as its difference against similar early education organizations as the backgroundinformation, the paper conducts the macro-environment analysis of early education,analysis of Changchun early education market and SWOT analysis of ChangchunTongXueGuan Childhood center, so as to identify the market segmentation, targetmarket and market positioning of Changchun TongXueGuan Childhood center.The result of the above study shows that, currently the consumers ofChangchun early education market is provided with the following features:(1) theybuy products blindly without a full understanding;(2) their purchasing purposes areundefined;(3) they do not know which kind of product can really help their children;(4) they buy products impulsively and blindly without any rationality;(5) thecultural quality of consumers are not high;(6) they choose organizations near them;(7) their consumption ability is high. Hence, through comprehensive analysis ofparents’ consumption concept as well as the uniqueness of education products, thepaper provides marketing strategy suggestions for the Early Education Center ofChangchun TongXueGuan Childhood center as well as guarantee for marketingstrategy facility via emphasizing on a series of measures like, taking service as theplatform and curriculum as the items, centering on consumers to build anenvironment favored by them, creating activities that worth recalling, opening upflexible online and offline marketing channels, comprehensively considering variouscomplex factors in reality, providing different targeted service prices, building upbrand image, identifying core competitiveness and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:early education market, Changchun TongXueGuan Childhood center, marketing strategy
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