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On The Sustainable Development Of Foundation Construction Of Teaching Facility In Rural Schools

Posted on:2014-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425952042Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the foundation of scientific development concept, sustainable developmentis the key factor to guide people’s participating in social practice. Thus thesustainable developing of teaching facilities in rural schools is obviously thefoundation for that of the schools, which features as persistence, fairness andharmony. It is not only the main path to improve the quality of rural schools but thematerial basis for the quality of its education, the essential premise to promoteeducation equity and the crucial component for the campus cultural construction.Well-management, timing and value form the main dimension to study the systemof this sustainable developing of infrastructure in rural schools, whose specificworks including the financing of building, designing, construction or allocation,running, maintenance and usage. Based on this study foundation, this paper willstudy and analyze the computer room and library of two rural schools thus to getthe disparity of its sustainable and unsustainable development.There are so many factors influencing the sustainable development offoundation construction of rural schools. Among those, there are mainly economy,technics and management which have been playing a crucial role in this process,while some more factors are mostly ignored by us, like policy. Thus, manymisunderstandings occur in the course of this development. These kinds of thingshappen as they have overlooked the importance of policy in this process. To realizethe sustainable development in rural schools, we need optimized and innovatedpolicies and a well-managed system to execute these policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Schools, the Foundation Construction of Teaching Facility, Sustainable Development, Well-managed system to execute the policy
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