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Investigation Pronunciation Circumstances Shenyang Citizens Flat Cocky Words

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330428966473Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the guidance of language variation theory in linguistics, the article hasimplemented such various methods as observation, interview, questionnaire survey,etc. investigated the application status of flat and retroflex phonetics among Shenyangcitizens; inspected the differences in applying flat and retroflex phonetics in socialvariations of stylistics, ages as well as educational statuses, and has drawn theconclusion based on the two aspects stated above. The article is divided into threesections.In the first section it has primarily analyzed the application status of flat andretroflex phonetics among Shenyang citizens. The result has indicated that thedifferentiation of flat and retroflex phonetics among Shenyang citizens remainssatisfactory overall but there still lies a certain extent of confusion in the field of liststyle; in the aspect of discourse style, the general condition of implementing flat andretroflex phonetics among Shenyang citizens remains inferior to list style; in theaspect of topic style, the confusion phenomenon of implementing flat and retroflexphonetics among Shenyang citizens grows serious; the differentiation of flat andretroflex phonetics in daily conversation appears inferior to previous three writingtypes, whose confusion phenomenon remains more serious than previous threewriting types.In the second section it has mainly investigated the differentiation of flat andretroflex phonetics among Shenyang citizens in social variations of stylistics, ages aswell as educational statuses. Such research indicates that the implementation of Flat&Retroflex Phonetics among Shenyang citizens has connected with their stylistics, ages,educational levels and occupation to some extent; the lower the formality is, the moreconfused their application of Flat&Retroflex Phonetics becomes. The accuracy ofFlat&Retroflex Phonetics among respondents under40years old remains muchhigher than those over40years old, while the confusing condition of respondents over40years old appears more serious than those under40years old; the accuracy ofrespondents who hold academic or sub-junior high school diploma are almost lower,the accuracy of respondents who hold bachelor degrees or senior high school diplomaare much higher; the accuracy of students and teachers remains higher, and theaccuracy of clerks in corporations and workers remains lower; the accuracy of civilservants remains between the above two kinds of respondents, the accuracy of employees, technicians, clerks in enterprises and institutions remain discrete. Theimplementation situation of Flat&Retroflex Phonetics among Shenyang citizens haslittle relation with gender or family.The third section has reached two conclusions on the basis of previous twosections, namely: viewing from the whole condition of implementing Flat&RetroflexPhonetics among Shenyang citizens, under the influence of “Mandarin PromotionTask”, there appears the diversification from “complete confusion” to “accuracy tosome extent”; stating from the subject of social linguistics, the application of Flat&Retroflex Phonetics among Shenyang citizens has constituted the “change inprogress”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shenyang Citizens, Flat&Retroflex Phonetics, Investigation
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