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On The Network Citizen’s Responsibility And Its Cultivation

Posted on:2013-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330374967181Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of computer technology, modern society has been quietly divided into two. On the one hand, the traditional social life is still the basic form of civic life, and has shown an increasingly diverse characteristics.on the other hand, the virtual community began to appear as a new form of society supported by IT, and significantly impact on the contemporary citizens’traditional way of life and think. With the increasing number of Internet users, the various issues of politics, economy, culture and other exist in the traditional social have been highlighted in the virtual network and showing a growing trend. To cultivate Internet users’awareness of civic responsibility and make responsibility as the basic specification of their online behavior have become the practical needs of civic and social development in the network era.In such context and combining with the definition of civic responsibility theory, this paper are trying to explore a practical path of cultivating network users’civic responsibility by analyzing China’s network citizen’s current situation of responsibility. The thesis includes four parts.The first part, make a detailed inquiry of the basic connotation and significance of civic responsibility. Firstly, sort out the basic connotation of civic responsibility from three aspects as follow: different research perspective of civic responsibility, discrimination of the concept of responsibility and obligation, the characteristics of civic responsibility and its fulfillment genre. Then interpret practical significance of civic responsibility from the socialism democratic politics, the socialist market economy, and the comprehensive development of socialism individual and society.The second part, discuss the necessity, possibility and the basic content of cultivating civic responsibility. Firstly, discuss the important role of the network citizen in the public areas of modern life. Secondly, interpret the necessity of cultivating a network civic responsibility from the aspects of shaping the civic personality and building a harmonious society. Thirdly, analyze the possibility of cultivating network civic responsibility through the characteristics of the Internet. Then discuss the specific content of cultivating the network civic responsibility in political participation, statement and information.The third part,the analysis of China’s network citizen’s current situation of responsibility. On China’s network citizen, the responsibility and the absence of responsibility are both exist, and rationality and irrationality are intertwined. This section focuses on such status quo and makes a dual analysis of micro and macro. Then analyzes the causes for the current problem of network civic responsibility, including the lack of civic culture in the traditional society and civic responsibility education in reality, propagation characteristics of network, and the imperfections of the relevant laws and regulations.The fourth part, the explosion of the path of cultivating the network citizen’s responsibility. There are three practical measures for the current problems of the absence of network civic responsibility and their irrational responsibility-behavior. Firstly, civic-responsibility-education should be carried out actively to stimulate the awakening of network citizens’sense of responsibility. Secondly, the reality citizens’media literacy should be promoted to enhance their rational responsibility in the Network Environment. Thirdly, the relevant network legislation should be improve to provide a necessary institutional environment for civic responsible behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:network citizen, civic responsibility, cultivated path
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