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Translation Report Of Agreements From The Perspectives Of Functionalism

Posted on:2014-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report of translation practice analyzes translating agreements based ontheories of the Functional School. The translator adopts the functional approaches totranslation in the whole process of translation, mainly in two aspects: the principles ofcoherence and loyalty. And what’s more, the paper presents preparations the translatormade before the translating work such as an analysis on the function of the source text.The translator firstly finished the translation of an agreement InternationalDistribution Agreement before writing this report. A review on two translation theoriespresents two popular theories and briefly introduces the development of the two theories.The part of Steps of the Translation Process introduces what preparations the translatorhas made before the translation, including finding out what the target text is used for,interpreting the target text skopos and making sure the application and value of theagreement and the standard of the translation. Source Text Analysis reveals participantsin the translation process and features of an agreement. Based on these preparations, thetranslator ensures what strategies and methods should be employed in the translation.The next part presents the process of the translator translating the source text-how toselect Chinese expressions, what structure sentences need and how to clarify the logicbonds among sentences and paragraphs and even in the whole text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Functional School, Agreement Translating, Skopos, Text Function
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