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Research Market Development Issues Of Public Health

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428465335Subject:Social Security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Public health is one of public utilities, which is targeted at guaranteeing thepeople’s health and dominated by the government, putting prevention first andmedical care second. The public health includes two parts, the preventive health careand the medical care. The construction of public health should abide by two majorcriteria. One is the publicity, namely, the public health is a public undertaking whichshould be guided by the government. The other is the criterion of prevention first andmedical care second, namely, the public health shall provide preventive healthservices for public as its primary work, and then the medical care and health services.At present, the development of public health system in China is inclined to beoriented by the market. According to the two important criteria of public health, thepublicity and the prevention first, the marketization of public health system displaysin two aspects. First, the criterion of prevention first and medical care second isbroken. As the operation of medical sector is quite profitable, as well as the policyguidance, the medical service institutions bloom in society. While the preventivehealth care sector grows slowly, due to its characteristics of public welfare and lageffects. People do not pay much attention to disease prevention and health care. Theyonly seek for medical help when they get sick. It results in excessive medicaltreatment. The increasing demand for medical services becomes the impetus of thedevelopment of medical and health services, which further speeds up themarketization. Second, during the development of public health, the governmentneither gives full play to its function of macroeconomic regulation and control, norbears the main responsibility in the field of public health. Because of its publicity andexternality, public health fails to be regulated or controlled in the market, therefore, itsresources cannot be the allocated reasonably and the profit-seeking behavior cannotbe controlled effectively. A variety of capitals compete sharply in the field of medicalservices of public health, which brings the problems of public health marketization.Based on the public health policy analysis, aims to find the manifestations andcauses of public health market, and according to the existing problems, and putsforward relevant policy suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Health, Marketization
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