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Research Of Diversity Usage Mode In Kindergarten Public Space

Posted on:2014-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422952476Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kindergarten as a centralized teaching place of the care and education ofpreschool children over3years of age, is an important part of the education building,subject to a great deal of attention in China’s long-term education reform anddevelopment plan. Today, a new concept of education not only on the children’scognitive and intellectual education put forward higher requirements, and theemphasis on the education of young children emotional and social development isdeepening. To this end, the design of the nursery space is constantly changed, butbecause of the activities of the kindergarten unit space model is relatively fixed, inconnection with showing more flexibility compared to public space, has been theemphasis of the pre-school institutions, combined with our kindergarten newdevelopment plan, to change, the the expansion policy background, the use of thepublic space of the kindergarten diversity of the problems to be solved.The research topic first four Guilin kindergartens in public space with certaincharacteristics, rich morphology Case for the survey, the characteristics of theteaching activities, class activities on the basis of the kindergarten building surveyingand mapping unit used public space status to conduct a thorough investigation, tograsp the basic characteristics of the space used.Followed by kindergarten public space space part of public activity space space,traffic space, the use of the outdoor space vertical analysis focuses on behaviorpatterns for the children in the nursery space under realistic conditions, the process ofteaching and freedom, grasp Office Park party space use patterns and children’sbehavioral characteristics, summarized the use of the formation of the reasons as wellas the diversity of today’s kindergarten public space primarily use method, combinedwith open teaching model to analyze the factors of the potential value of the varioustypes of public space.Finally, the refined use diversity factors affect kindergarten public space tosupplement theoretical design principles and design techniques as the contemporary nursery building public space, public space designed to both teaching and classactivities unit space, as a class activity unit the extension and development of thetraditional teaching space, as much as possible to improve the performance of publicspaces as a teaching space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kindergarten, public space, usage mode, behavior
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