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The Edge Of The Residential Area Space Planning And Design Study

Posted on:2014-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401488725Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The edge of the residential area space belongs to an important part of thepublic space of the residential area, it is a residential area as a whole, the geometricrelationship between the spatial location or in the outlyi ng areas of the space. It isthe most frequently used local people’s lives, its specificity and promote exc ha ngesof people, so its reasonable use, not only can ma ke the living environme nt would beenha nced, but also to promote people interact with one another to promote fullymeet people’s lives needs to create a harmonious living space. Therefore, there is acertain amount of space on the edge of the residential area.This is the start from the concept of "edge of space", a comprehensive analysisof the relevant theoretical knowledge, discusses the "edge of space" type, features,mea nings, so that we have a general impression of the edge of space. In tur n leadsto "the edge of the residential area space", summarized its characteristics and itsdefinition of the scope of the study, thr ough the analysis of the evolution of spaceon the edge of the residential area, the edge of the residential area constitutes a typeof space, and its specific form, the spatial form are described. With e xa mples ofresearch and study of the relevant information, combined with the activities ofdaily living, to explore the edge of space planning and design of residential areas,and summarizes the design principles and specific design method, Finally, in Wuchang, Wu han governme nt district as an example, the edge of their settlementsspace design techniques specific to explore and analyze.
Keywords/Search Tags:Residential area, The edge of space, Space Design
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