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Design And Implementation Of Information Management System Of Datong Coal Mine Group

Posted on:2013-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395474174Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Employment is vital for the people’s livelihood. Employment difficulty is alsobecame a hot "topic" and the dispute has been gowning more intense recent years.What’s more, the situation is going worse and worse right now. Main way ofemployment is company or enterprises’ recruitment and job-seekers’apply-for. With thedevelopment of IT, especially Internet Technology, apply for a job through the Internetbecame more and more popular in people’s life. In addition, network recruitment systemprovides a convenient and application platform for the recruitment and applicant, soE-Recruit comes to be at right time. To the recruitment company, network recruitmentsystem offers a query and retrieval information for some potential candidate, whichmakes the recruitment work easy and feasible. And recruitment on line, time and spacelimitation can be break. Comparing with the traditional recruitment network recruitmentabsolutely has more advantages, such as wider range, large amount of information, alarge number of applicants who has high quality and high technology, recruit goodeffect, low cost etc. As the same time, it has low business cost, user retrieval convenientand less restriction of geography.With the development of IT especially Internet Application, E-government turninto the most important position of the contemporary information application.E-government proposed the online office concept, which can reduce complexity taskand shorten the offices time. As an important part of E-government,DATONG COALMINE GRPUP, publishing and management the employment information tounemployment youth, sharing the information and communication to the company andsociety, which is not only convenient for the company also for the current employee,creation a plant to help the professional talents to get a wonderful position. Thisplatform greatly improved the talent desire of the accepting company; additional theopportunity for the job waiting-youth and help them to achieve the successfully career.This thesis design and develop Employment Information Release and ManagementSystem of TONGMEI GROUP witch based on the analysis of present situationespecially the technology and internet development technology conditions at home and combined with the actual working of youth employment, guidance and service ofDATONG COAL MINE GROUP. The system can be divided into two subsystems:background management subsystem and the foreground application subsystem, mainfunctions of Background are: user management system, setting of system parameter,blogroll, laws and regulations concerning etc; Foreground functions include: user----enterprise and individual registration, recruitment information release, resumemaintenance, resume retrieval and recruitment inquires etc. The system main core isrecruitment enterprise registration, recruitment information release, unemploymentpersonal registration and applies for a job. This online system can timely and convenientto help the unemployed gained more employment information; Meantime, it can helpthe company to expand propaganda range, obtain more talent resources, includingEmployment Guidance and Service Center carry out the relevant laws and regulationspropaganda and education, greatly improved the work of Center’s current operating.The Employment Information Release and Management System of TONG MEIGROUP are under the environment MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO.NET mainly useASP.NET programming language combining MICROSOFT SQL SERVER2008database developed. Which is based on B/S system structure of the WEB applicationplatform to realize the function of enterprises and institutions registration andrecruitment information release, job-seeker registration, resume maintenance andresume deliver of this system? The application of this system is not only to improve thework efficiency of the employment service guidance center of TONG MEI GROUP, butalso help the recruitment company get more extensive talent resources, help theunemployed youth get more employment information timely.
Keywords/Search Tags:employment, management system, information, E-government, E-Recruit
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