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Reading Wang Xingdong Theme Movie

Posted on:2013-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374977572Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A famous Chinese mainstream movie writer, Wang Xingdong hascreated many popular mainstream films, such as Kong Fansen, JiangZhuying, The Days Without My Comrade in his early age and TheFounding of A Republic and, The Revolution of1911as well in recentyears. Thanks to Wangs solid and superb Screenwriting skills and his clearvision about the market, the mainstream movies of Wang Xingdong aremostly critical and commercial success, getting a high reputation andhigh box office as well. In this paper, based on analysis of all hismainstream films, we will examine his films from the play and marketaspects to explore why he achieved such success.In the opening chapter, the author will briefly introduces the life ofWang Xingdong and how he began to write mainstream movies. Inaddition, we will illustrate his creation concept: Wang Xingdong insiststhat the script is the first productivity, firmly believe that the good scriptoriginates from the life; the mainstream movie must reflect currentmainstream values; movie writer must experience life to get life insight.Furthermore, lists his main such movies and their artistic success, and atthe end explains their social influence and commercial success.The second chapter is centered on the theme, examining Wangsmainstream movies. We will study the theme of Wang’s films from theanxiety moral, awkward legal, true humanity and recalling historystandpoint respectively.In the third chapter, we will look at the play, exploring how Wangcan tell a good story when he got a reasonable theme. We will analyzehis creating skills from the unique characters and settings, cleverstructure, suspense, and the application of crisis aspects.For the last chapter, we will probe Wang’s market consciousness asa playwright, attempting to answer why his mainstream movie works can gain high box office. We will do thorough analysis both based onsuccess and failure cases.Wang Xingdong insists on creating real people in real life, using theplay to reflect real life and probing truth from the lives of ordinarypeople. His mainstream movies carry forward the mainstream values,while at the same time pay attention to the importance of the film. Heemphasizes that movie must tell a good story and uses his superb, skilledwriting technique to ensure the high quality of the movie.WangXingdong can tell a marvelous story with excellent skills, regardless ofthe theme, ordinary people or widely known hero, even masterpiece.Most importantly, as a play writer, Wang Xingdong has a clear andaccurate market consciousness. He knows that the mainstream movie isa commercial product, which should be proven by the market very well.I hope I can offer some knowledge for the future mainstream moviesthrough the analysis of Wang’s film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Xingdong, mainstream Movies, the technique ofPlay writing, Market Consciousness
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