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The Research Christian Communities In Jerusalem

Posted on:2014-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398951304Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jerusalem is one of the most controversial city in the world, theHaram al-Sharif on behalf of Muslim glory and victory, the Wailing Wallis the memory of the Jews of the Diaspora, and the Church of the HolySepulchre is the spiritual home of the Christian. The religious andpolitical conflict along with the growth of Jerusalem, because of theChristian church’s split and the government of Jerusalem’alter,Jerusalem Christian communities evolved into a focus of ethnic andreligious conflicts gradually.This paper including six parts, the first part is mainly to explorethe origin of the Christian religious organizations, the second sectiondeals with the development of the Christian community, the main lineof time, elaborated the Christian community about JerusalemChurch,population,socio-economic status and other aspects of theproblem. From the era of the Roman Empire to the Ottoman Empireperiod, The third part discusses the Britain’s Mandate to thePalestine,especially to the Jerusalem, as well as the new variation ofthe traditional religion holy sites of Jerusalem and the Christiancommunities in modern social, This part emphasis on the ArabChristians’ contribution to the Palestinian national movement. Thefourth part discuss the Christian communities in Jerusalem in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, discusses the division ofJerusalem’ influence on the local Christian community. Part Vdiscusses the political activities of the Christian community incontemporary Jerusalem, the attitude of Zionism, and a role in sociallife.The full text as the main line to the history of the development ofthe Christian community in Jerusalem, in combination with Christiancommunitie’s political and social characteristics in the differenthistorical period, By means of the knowledge of the history, religious,ethnology studies, to analysis of the cause of the rise and fall of theChristian communities in Jerusalem, as well as ethnic and religiousissues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jerusalem, Christian, community
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