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A Research Of Early Heidegger’s Thought Of Being

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398468991Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The distinct characteristic of modern philosophy is epistemology, which is good at producing knowledge, especially producing scientific knowledge by mathematical derivation and experimental verification. The establishment of knowledge is on the condition that the world is inspected and placed as an object. Meanwhile, it’s also necessary to simplify and stabilize the ever-flowing world. This simplification and stabilization set some aspects of the world which relate to human as constant according to the demands of human (subject). In this way can the attributes of objects be synthesized by the understanding of subjects, and then the knowledge which has the universal validity can be acquired. Consequently, the world is transformed by modern philosophy to a flat picture which is always under the observation of subject. So the subject detaches itself from the world and becomes an observer outside the world. And correspondingly the omnipresent time is solidified into subject’s cognitive form in this process of the world being stabilized. It’s not difficult to see that there is an impassable gap between the world and human in the frame of modern philosophy. And human becomes a homeless subject who drifts outside the world. In this mode of thinking, not only the ontological and epistemological questions such as "Is there an external world by itself?" and "How can human’s knowledge go beyond pure thought and hit the real thing?" can’t be really solved, but also the value and meaning of human himself lost in nihilism because of his detaching himself from his originally deep-rooted world.Just because Being has been forgotten by the traditional philosophy, what Heidegger has done is to investigate the question of Being anew."Being and Time" as the production of this investigation provides us with a new horizon by which we can take a new look at the modern philosophy and even the whole metaphysics. And the sally port where Heidegger brings us into the investigation of Being is "Dasein" Dasein is always in-the-world. This time the world can’t be treated as an observable being any longer, but a world for which Dasein lives. This world within which Dasein is always alongside and blends is disclosed during Dasein’s state of mind, understanding and falling. The fundamental Being of Dasein-in-the-world is Care. And the authentic Care is showed as temporality. That on which the fundamental Being of Dasein and his temporality depends is Dasein’s Death. Because death as Dasein’s ownmost potentiality is not to be outstripped but indefinite, therefore, the authentic care is to project one’s own potentiality seriously in the face of death, and the authentic temporality is the temporalizing of Resolutness in the face of death. For Heidegger, world, care and temporality are three inseparably existentiell phenomena which are occurring at the same time in the existence of Dasein. So, if we plan to make a study of Heidegger’s early thought of Being, we have to interpret Heidegger’s world, care and temporality as a whole together. In the end,this thesis gives early Heidegger’s thought of Being a brief summary and comment.
Keywords/Search Tags:modernity, world, death, care, temporality
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