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A Study On Perfection Of Medical Insurance System In Beijing Chaoyang District

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330398486508Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Health is the basic needs pursuing by the people around the world while medicalinsurance serves as a crucial component in China’s social-security system. It alsoboasts the significant system to guarantee people’s welfare and living standards,acting as the paramount function of government in the process of modern societymanagement. China has attached great importance to the medical insurance, and hasbeen continuously dedicating to the adjustment and reform for medical insurancesince the founding of our country. Nevertheless, the existing Medicare can hardlymeet the demands of people’s health and afford medical treatment with thedevelopment of social economy and changing of social environment, what’s more,local governments functions on medical insurance serves also lags behind the needs ofrapid development of society, which is the reason why happens these problems suchas the society equality level is not high, the dual structure of Medicare between urbanand rural residents and the sayings “Medical treatment is difficult and expensive forpeople” are highlighted gradually, which urge governments at all levels to reformfrom their own responsibilities.This thesis is divided into five parts in total to analyze and demonstrate problems ofgovernmental functions in medical insurance of Chaoyang district,Beijing. The firstchapter, the introduction includes the background information on the topic, thesignificance of the topic, the research status of domestic and aboard, definition ofbasic concepts and basic theory. The second chapter, the author will summarize theevolution of governmental functions about medical insurance chronologically fromthe founding of our country, and then have an in-depth introspection on the evolutionprocess. The third chapter, the author shall analyze the current situation ofgovernmental functions in medical insurance of Chaoyang district,Beijing,and takethe government for example to analyze the financial function in medical andinsurance funding, the resource allocation function in medical health, and urbanworkers and residents’ Medicare and the rural people’s medical care level of thewhole district. The fourth chapter, the problems existing in governments’ Medicare work of Chaoyang district, Beijing will be proposed and the author will makecomprehensive analysis on the related causes. The fifth chapter, the author will finallyput forward some suggestions and countermeasures on further improvement ingovernmental functions for Chaoyang district government’s Medicare work.The reform of China’s current health care system is entering an important period.Medical reform serves as the focus of the society, the priority of social security andthe requirement for further reform in health care system. Therefore, profound researchon local government’s functions of their Medicare work will come to be of decisivesignificance to the maintenance of harmonious and stable development of our society,as well as the advancement of social fairness and justice. The analysis on thegovernmental functions of local government’s Medicare work in this thesis can notonly reflect the problems in today’s Medicare, but also provides some practicalreference for the government’s transformation into a service-oriented government thusestablishing a high level and broad coverage medical security for the whole society.
Keywords/Search Tags:local government, medical insurance, governmental functions
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