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Research On Pathogenesis Characteristics Of AD Based On Hun Po Of The Five Directional Gods Of TCM

Posted on:2013-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374484672Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:According to the theory of "five directional gods" of TCM and based on study of senile dementia cognitive impairment and spiritual unusual behavior of the clinical features, we try to have a research on Pathogenesis Characteristics of AD based on Hun Po of the five directional gods of TCM. Methods:Collect the discuss about the five directional gods from imperial collection of four and the Medical pawning to enrich the theory of the five gods, through defining its connotation. With "god" and "soul" and "spirit","meaning" and "ambition" key words for level and with pathological semantic words as secondary search term,119entry can be used to characterize the signs and symptoms of dementia and descriptive terms of words article. And then construct Ultimate questionnaire the five gods and AD, through Screening items pool, analyzing data, expanding the sample size and examining scientifically. Results:The questionnaire possessing good reliability and validity can well explain Pathogenesis Characteristics based on Psychological level, so dose hun po, which performances scatter, shortage, not clear, discrete between hun and po, and disorders in and out of hun. And scatter and not clear stress to the confused, which performs interest degrees and the ability of work is lower, at the same time, the abnormal behavior and words of scatter, difficulty in sleeping and memory loss of shortage, and also difficulty in sleeping of disorders in and out of hun behavior clearly.
Keywords/Search Tags:god, hun, po, yi, zhi, correlation analysis
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