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The Study On Equalization Of Public Health Services In Anhui Province

Posted on:2013-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371499710Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Public health is a career which related to the national or regional people’s health,the Government implement the policy of equalization of basic public health services to safeguard the health rights of the residents, so as to promote the harmony and stability of the entire social life.From the angle of publie economices,public health has the character of public good which makes the government play a very important role in public health.And the importance of the government can be seen from its finaneial investment. In this paper, we explore the underlying factors shaping financial investment on public health disparities in province of Anhui using a data set figures for17city-level jurisdictions from2003to2010, we decompose the overall disparities.The results indicate that there are a significant convergence in fiscal expenditure on public health,and the overall gap is mainly due to the inter-regional differences.There exist5chapters in the thesis. We mainly introduced the background of choosing such subject,the significance and the methods of this thesis in Chapter one.In chapter two, we are concerned on analyzing of public health.The chapter three and four are the core chapters which analyze the general situation of equal public health in Anhui province. The third chapter describes the implementation overview of basic public health from the project of health services,financial investment on public health, assessment criteria and the results of the implementation. Chapter four is an empirical analysis of unequal financial investment on public health between different rigions in Anhui province.The non-equalization of Public health services were caused by unbalanced regional economic development,health resource’allocation differences and the supply mechanism of health services. Basic on the current problems of finaneial investment in public health,We give some advices on the problems according to the theory and empirieal analysis in chapter six.In order to promote the equalization of public health services in different areas of Anhui Province,it is essential to balance the level of financial resources,to improve the mechanism of performance appraisal,to reform the current unreasonable financial system,especially thetransfer payment should be given a more important role in the equalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public health, equalization, expenditure on health
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