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The Research On Applicability Of The Old Apartment Unit In Southern Region

Posted on:2011-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M MeiFull Text:PDF
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Aging of the population into the21st century is the most serious challengesfacing the one of1999. As China entered the aging society, this situation becomeseven more prominent and sharp. Our population base is too large, that it is natural tobecome the world’s most populous country in old age, serious problem of aging is thedevelopment of the situation, not improve the pension system have enabled us inserious difficulties in the pension industry, as a architectural designers, how toimprove the living conditions of older persons is not only worthy of our attention tostudy and solve, but also our contribution to the cause for a social pension to a force.Research of this subject is based on the previous work on China to inspect olderapartments, apartments for the elderly by analyzing and comparing the profile offoreign and domestic environment, characteristics of the south and the southernregion comprising senior apartments feature detailed characteristics derived forinduction apartment dwelling elderly south to apply and promote them, hoping tolayout design of apartments for the elderly have a positive significance now.Research are from the following three points.The first is from the country’s aging apartments and foreign senile apartment thedevelopment situation of the analysis. Apartments for the elderly through the analysisof the older residential development and foreign status and profile, aware of theshortage of apartments for the elderly and the development of excellent apartmentsabroad by drawing on our model apartments for the elderly to promote and improve,promote older industries.The second is characteristics of older apartments in south. By analyzing thesouthern region of the human and climate characteristics and behavior characteristicsof the elderly derived for the design of older apartments in south basis.The third is apartment dwelling elderly in southern derivation. Apartments forthe elderly from the south to start dwelling design concept for each node of dwellingsize, and the combination of the various relationships between nodes to determine,ultimately derived for the south and to promote the use of an apartment dwelling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Apartments for the elderly, Dwelling, Applicability, Space, Accessibility
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