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The Public Faculties And Site Design Of Yang Zhou Guang Fu Garden Resettlement Residential Area

Posted on:2013-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development and land planning of the Chinese city led to the acceleration of the process of city and city scop expansion. As a result of the government’s requisition of rural land, many villagers living on the edge of the city for several years had to give up the traditional lifestyle and move into the new house. Meanwhile, a new type of construction came out and it is often referred to as" the relocation placement room" or" resettlement residential area".The main user of relocation of the Housing is relocation household and tenant and the main feature of this new architecture typology involved its user. They come from urban fringe, most of whom are Remained elderly and child,whose income level is low,.They have a similar life habit, as well as aspiring to the continuation of traditional custom.The building’s site is located in Yangzhou city Guangling district, to the east of Grand Canal of China, West of the huaihe river. Buildings witch around the site having complex function, such as industrial premises, commercial land, and house of peasant self-build. In the prophase survey, we found that most of relocation of the housing having some of the same problems. For instance,most of the residents of the village don’t satisfied with their public facilities and district environment, especially on ignoring their original customs and the lack of the fracture. So, the research content in this design study is the existing problems and finally solve these problems with relevant design language and means.The content and structure of the paper are as follows. The first chapter of the paper relates to project survey, mainly introduced this graduation design’s location and the situation around. The second chapter of the paper is project research, and through the field investigation for existing community and the actual analysis of case, coming to a conclusion of the project’s planning goal. The third chapter of the paper is master plan design, expressing planning concept. The fourth chapter of the paper is site design, through the classification of the site, the organization of streamline and the layout of the ancillary building,creating the sense of belonging in the entire residential area and finally introduced the function of each part in the form of code of practice. The fifth chapter of the paper is the technical drawings.After the investigation and analysis, the Guang Fu Garden Resettlement Residential Area starts from the characteristics and problems of the resettlement area and puts forward " Three Represents", namely: representing the demolition resettlement residential area in the forward direction, representing the social culture heritage of the development requirements of broad and urban and rural residents, representing the fundamental interests of migration planning and design guidelines. On the basis of the development the project formulates the corresponding planning target, namely "Four Cardinal Principles":respecting the continuation of traditional customs, fully caring for the older life, making efforts to reduce the cost of living, playing a role of community organization. According to the design target, the project finally puts forward the corresponding planning and design strategies, namely:all good, a sense of order, a sense of belonging and sustainability.The case of the design process, summarized the many issues, which has a type of architectural design reference value for the resettlement residential area design.The whole thesis contains about8000words,40pictures and charts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resettlement residential area, site design, public faculties
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