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The Research Of Conservatory Landscape Design

Posted on:2013-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F FanFull Text:PDF
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The Conservatory start late, in China,it’s a huge capital investment,related professionals. At present, the conservatory research is not matureenough, of great significance in the process of landscape design showing inthe theme of the conservatory,greenhouse landscape character analysis andresearch in order to compensate for the deficiencies of the same field ofstudy, as well as to improve the quality of greenhouse landscape sometheoretical basis.The conservatory development context has been combed in this study,and the domestic and international famous conservatory cases, a specialconservatory landscape is different from the outdoor landscape and indoorexhibition hall of the landscape from the climate, function, space, plants, andmaterials. Analysis and Summary to the corresponding design tactics: First,consider the conservatory show theme, which directly determines the climate characteristics of the greenhouse; choice by the climate and the greenhouseconstruction site present characteristics of plants and materials; plants andmaterials through the landscape design and display design to create thewealth changing landscape of space; space to create exhibition spaceslandscape characterization, to meet the conservatory research, science, tourthe functional requirements of the entertainment; functions to meet alsoreflects the aspirations of the exhibition themes.The theory is applied to practice, combined with the conservatorylandscape qualities, functions, transportation, space, plants and landscapematerials, environmental control facilities and other aspects Conservatory ofShanghai Chen Shan Botanical Garden project landscape to create a processof analysis of discourse to explore the greenhouse creating practices of thisparticular landscape: the theme function to plant landscape habitat-based,create, and research, science, tour the exhibition spaces of entertainment as awhole; building space, the use of the spatial variation of the desert Austria,the traditional space way to create extensive changes in space; plant material,according to the theme of functional needs, environment, climate and sitecharacteristics to meet the scenario of plant material.On the basis of the research of the conservatory landscape character,discusses the greenhouse this particular landscape to create practices, expectations can play a reference for future development of the conservatorylandscape. Due to limitations of time, experience and the author knowledge,the conservatory plant breeding is not an in-depth analysis and not thearchitectural structure of the greenhouse environmental control facilities,equipment and technical aspects to be studied.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape Architecture, Conservatory, Landscape character, Landscape Design, Chen Shan Shanghai Botanical Garden
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