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Ganzhou Hakka Diet Custom Generation And Innovation Research

Posted on:2013-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The consensus on Hakka who is a subbranch of Han nationality has been reachedin the academic. Comparing to other nationalities,the long and winding history ofimmigration and creation by Hakka people presents an individual character that isprominent and distinct,which has formed a unique cultural system, and thereforeattracts special attention from scholars at home and abroad.For the reason of wars and disasters, Hakka ancestors had to move south to themountain border regions of Jiangxi、Fujian and Guangdong. In order to survive inthe terrible environment, they had to adapt themselves to the new residence,communicating and integrating with the local people’s diet custom; for the dietcustom of their hometown, they did not abandon,they inherit and develop them; at thesame time, they absorb the essence of other diet custom. Then Hakka diet customcame into being. With the rapid development of society and economy the dietconcept,contents and style of Hakka have changed. In this paper the author analyzesthe challenges and opportunities of Ganzhou Hakka diet custom development and thedevelopment of specialized diet and pursue a path of sustainable development on theinnovation of the Ganzhou Hakka diet custom.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ganzhou, Hakka diet custom, generation, innovation
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